Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I am sick of this American obsession with cleanliness.

Absolutely agree!!
completely with you on that one...

I survived without all those sanitizers, and thinking back we did some really disgusting things
Same here! I do think this 'clean' obsession is coming back to bite a lot of folks.... people not allowing their kids to get dirty and build an immunity to anything is creating a generation of folks who think there needs to be a pill to immediately fix everything and now the meds are loosing their effectiveness because the germs are smarter than humans are.

so what your saying is that I should stay in here where it's warm?....hmmmm
sounds like a good plan to me!
I am sick of this American obsession with cleanliness.
completely with you on that one... I survived without all those sanitizers, and thinking back we did some really disgusting things
Preach! I watched a video the other day and it mentioned how the Amish have much lower occurrences of asthma and allergies, and they (scientists, I believe) attribute that to the fact that they are contact with livestock, their droppings and bacteria. Interesting.
I support bacterial
I don't get this either, but I find its not just kids... my parents wont go near brown eggs either. I suggest the documentary Fresh, let them watch that, and see if it changes their mind.
I use to be groused out by stepping in chicken poop and now i just brush it out with my hand when it is in my egg boxes. plus i step in in sometimes on purpose
Groused, is that a Pennsylvania state bird reference, or just a spelling error? I'm just being a pest. :p Support Bacteria! They're the only culture some people have!:lau. Gotta say, I love me some snow, but a foot is a heck of a lot!:th

Best price on a coop was a gent in Quakertown on CL.....


,,,its real cold out there...need to make sure they're safe...imho, worth the effort.....
Ok,,,well I find this just plain sad...
I picked up a few new egg customers at work,,,they have reported back that their kids(ages from 8 to 14) will not eat the eggs...these kids believe that because the color is so dark it must be an old uneatable egg.....

sorry but that is just sad to think that the younger generation can even believe that...

I was told by one of them that her daughter threw away all the eggs that were not white, she said they must of gotten dirty to change the color like that (these were mostly tan eggs)
I know a woman that was raised with Leghorns. She kept tossing the brown eggs her husband brought home. I got Leghorns to supply her, only to find that she barely uses eggs. My other customers don't want white. Guess who has to eat the white eggs? Oh well.

I have a snow blower that only my (truck driving, never home)DH knows how to use. This snow is going to kill me if I have to shovel it one more time!

Quote: completely with you on that one...

I survived without all those sanitizers, and thinking back we did some really disgusting things
Apparently, those sanitizers are making people sick. They may need to put disclaimers on hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps now.

Quote: Or Jack!!
Not guaranteeing that i will stick around.......but i'm back for now.

My stupid chickens and ducks are actually laying now that it's eggs all summer.......and tons now.

Caught my marans hen scootching under 2 children's chair we have beside the house home last night and the little chit has apparently been laying there for at least a week!
Not guaranteeing that i will stick around.......but i'm back for now.

My stupid chickens and ducks are actually laying now that it's eggs all summer.......and tons now.

Caught my marans hen scootching under 2 children's chair we have beside the house home last night and the little chit has apparently been laying there for at least a week!
Glad to see you back! Even if just for a while.... our girls are busy also, and two are trying to be broody
go figure! I believe someone was looking for duck eggs about15 pages back or so, if you can't get totally caught up maybe they will see that your ducks are laying and repost their request.
Not guaranteeing that i will stick around.......but i'm back for now.

My stupid chickens and ducks are actually laying now that it's eggs all summer.......and tons now.

Caught my marans hen scootching under 2 children's chair we have beside the house home last night and the little chit has apparently been laying there for at least a week!

Glad to see you back!  Even if just for a while....  our girls are busy also, and two are trying to be broody :th go figure!  I believe someone was looking for duck eggs about15 pages back or so, if you can't get totally caught up maybe they will see that your ducks are laying and repost their request.

That was me trying to snag Wing's scovies.

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