Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


I'll take a second stab.....backyard folks sometimes add lights for heat....(I don't btw)...

On another note here's what my crew is late blooming Dork, has laid three eggs in the past four or both Orps are combined lay about 3 per week.....My GLWs are both molting and haven't laid an egg in a couple of months...and the BCMs have both laid regularly since the fall....

and just to re-enforce how weird things are, I have a baby roo who is about 7mos old and hasen't crowed once....though he did show some interest in the dork...(she made a fuss and he gave up)...

And, just because I am green with envy with coops full of broodies, or baters full of eggs, I decided to start my seedling today....

The only thing with that theory though is that adding heat is an even bigger no no then adding light...
Why do some use the lights???

just a question since most people get into chickens because they want natural food and not the store bought,,,,seems to me that messing with the natural  laying of the chicken is the same as the store bought...... and a fire hazard,,,,are those eggs really worth all that.

Mine have had lights the past 2 winters but only because I moved mid winter both years & had no runs set up for anyone at the new house either time. Mine get light during daylight hours only except for the nights we are expecting subzero temps. Since I'm using a heat lamp suspended 7ft up in the shed rafters it really boesn't do much to heat an 8x10 shed. I have left it on jyst because I have 1 little 6 yr old banty hen (my sole banty survivor) who roosts above the heat bell in the rafters & has managed to survive only because she was the only smart 1 to do so. Occasionally my slate hens will join her up there. She is a good broody even though she doesn't lay much any more so I like to make her as comfortable as possible.
heat is also a debatable issue,,,,I would not add heat..

I do however give warm water in the winter time, the birds seem to appreciate this.....

husband did the feed and water last week and moved one of the waterers inside the coop, I found a moisture layer on the inside of the coop the next morning.....the water went right back outside...I would rather have to change the water a few times a day than have moisture in the coop.....I would think if you add heat to the coop you are also adding moisture...

it was not a cold night, may not of had the same outcome if it was frozen water...
I don't use heat or lights in with my girls. Today I got 9 out of 10 eggs from my layer pens. My girls all started to lay this winter, I thought I was going to have to wait to spring to see eggs. I hope everyone has dug out from the snow!!! I think I have more than 3 feet of snow out there
My garden fence is 4 feet high and only the top (maybe a foot) is sticking out of the snow. I am short (4 foot 11 3/4 inches) so if I fall they won't find me till spring :( The weatherman is calling for 6 more inches tomorrow and another storm Monday into Tuesday. I am so ready for spring to come!!!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!!
Mine have had lights the past 2 winters but only because I moved mid winter both years & had no runs set up for anyone at the new house either time. Mine get light during daylight hours only except for the nights we are expecting subzero temps. Since I'm using a heat lamp suspended 7ft up in the shed rafters it really boesn't do much to heat an 8x10 shed. I have left it on jyst because I have 1 little 6 yr old banty hen (my sole banty survivor) who roosts above the heat bell in the rafters & has managed to survive only because she was the only smart 1 to do so. Occasionally my slate hens will join her up there. She is a good broody even though she doesn't lay much any more so I like to make her as comfortable as possible
, I leave the lights on in the big chicken house to keep the coons from killing whats in there, can't seem to keep predators from getting in and with the lights on they don't try, works for me, been doing it for over three years with not a chicken lost.
, I leave the lights on in the big chicken house to keep the coons from killing whats in there, can't seem to keep predators from getting in and with the lights on they don't try, works for me, been doing it for over three years with not a chicken lost.

, I leave the lights on in the big chicken house to keep the coons from killing whats in there, can't seem to keep predators from getting in and with the lights on they don't try, works for me, been doing it for over three years with not a chicken lost.
see now you have a reason for the lights, and I can understand this,,,,,,I would think the lights would attract some predators,, guess not...

I know the fox that I deal with are only fooled for a couple nights, if anything becomes routine they just ignore it....
I guess it's because they're bored, but my chickens keep scratching in the bedding and causing it to get into the nesting boxes and leak out of the coop. I'm do for a complete coop clean out soon (can't do it now, the snows too deep) so my bedding is about 8 inches high at this point. It's absolutely driving me crazy though, all this stuff is getting into the water, nesting boxes (I've been throwing my eggs out because they're so dirty), falling out of the coop into the run and yard. Anyone got advice for bored chickens?
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I guess it's because they're bored, but my chickens keep scratching in the bedding and causing it to get into the nesting boxes and leak out of the coop. I'm do for a complete coop clean out soon so my bedding is about 8 inches high at this point. It's absolutely driving me crazy though, all this stuff is getting into the water, nesting boxes (I've been throwing my eggs out because they're so dirty), falling out of the coop into the run and yard. Anyone got advice for bored chickens?

Big chunks of fresh or frozen veggies that they have to take time to pick apart. Corn on the cob, heads of cabbage, whole or chunked squash, etc.
see now you have a reason for the lights, and I can understand this,,,,,,I would think the lights would attract some predators,, guess not...

I know the fox that I deal with are only fooled for a couple nights, if anything becomes routine they just ignore it....

foxes don't usually bother the chickens but coons, that's a different story, hate them, I've had them almost wipe me out several times,

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