Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

umm   no !!! I draw the line at any poultry that could look me in the eye without jumping.......ouch that hurt just thinking about it..:eek:

Oh pish posh. It's just a large chicken! ;). They're very cool, someone with a farm has them near us and they are quite calm.

Wing, I was trying to light a jar candle, and resorted to lighting a tissue. It fell out of the jar, and as I was juggling it, trying to blow it out, it fell to the floor. For all the napkins and tissues that I have used to light campfires that burned out in seconds, this one just kept burning! I wish I had thought to toss it back in the jar!:th

Anne, I love the names!:D

Lol about the the fire starting fiasco, and Thanks!

Why are the prices so high at Pickering Valley? Unless they are from a breeder, they are charging way too much!

They are charging too much because first time idiots like me don't know the difference. They saw me coming... :lau :idunno
I must ask how you did that one, the only fires I ever have are in the kitchen..........there's more than one way to cook......hubby tells me the problem is not with my cooking but when I combine the cooking with the drinking...

well, that just means you need to drink stuff under 100 proof.....
Now officially debuting..... *(All names have been stolen from someone much more witty than me.)

Foghorn the Leghorn

Hennifer Lopez

Chicken Patty

Attila the Hen

Mary Poopins

Clearly Mary Poopins is a couple days older than the rest.

cute chooks....remember build a coop twice as big as you think you'll need!
now Stake I strongly disagree, I tell people to build the coop as big as the yard and wallet can handle,,,,,,they can always use the extra space for things like rabbit or goat,,,,,

Breaklunch was really good.........nothing compares to getting your food out of your own yard....

just finished 2 duck eggs and 3 pieces of toast...........yummy....

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