Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Welcome back silkie!!!

Anne, think you may be right, since all the new customers mention that they know someone else that buys from me....and I also have a very strict policy of,,,, if I am gonna sell it, it better be something that I would also eat...

I can not complain about the extra business, but it is also a little on the scary side, I have orders that go out to thanksgiving, what if I can not deliver...even though I chose this way of life, I am aware of how much my life depends on the cooperation of mother nature....last week she took off a roof in one of the layer houses.
I've hear that [COLOR=333333]guinea keets are really noisy, like on the verge of being peacocks. Is that true? Our Dominique hatched 3 chicks today, i am excited to have broody hens but that left 10 unhatched. There's no way she was going to go sit on the nest anymore. I was thinking of candling them but realized i have no idea what i would be looking for. [/COLOR]:/  I really need to look into getting an incubator. On another note, i'm finding a lot of meat spots in my eggs- anyway to avoid this? I know if i give eggs to someone that isn't in "the know" of chickens i'm sure it would creep them out (it still sort of creeps me out still). Anyone around have fruit trees? I need some advice!

Guineas are really really loud. But it's worth it for their tick and snake fighting abilities.

My father in law can hear them loud and clear without his hearing aid, and that says a lot since the man can not hear a fire truck....

Me on the other hand, thinks they re great

That's funny about your FIL. I think guinas are hilarious. So many YouTube videos of them being big ol' stupid guineas.
I've hear that guinea keets are really noisy, like on the verge of being peacocks. Is that true? Our Dominique hatched 3 chicks today, i am excited to have broody hens but that left 10 unhatched. There's no way she was going to go sit on the nest anymore. I was thinking of candling them but realized i have no idea what i would be looking for.
I really need to look into getting an incubator. On another note, i'm finding a lot of meat spots in my eggs- anyway to avoid this? I know if i give eggs to someone that isn't in "the know" of chickens i'm sure it would creep them out (it still sort of creeps me out still). Anyone around have fruit trees? I need some advice!

IDK what causes meat spots or how to prevent it. I suspect it's hereditary, at least to some extent, and has been largely bred out of prod layers.

What do you want to know about fruit trees? I don't have any at the moment, but I have a BS in horticulture, so I might be of some help.
Guineas are really really loud. But it's worth it for their tick and snake fighting abilities.

I want more of them. They are not loud all the time, only when disturbed or if they find something that alarms them. Sometimes I intentionally mess with them to make them screech. Seems like a "farm noise" to me. Peacocks we are only starting to experience, no screams from them yet, but lots of other strange noises. Love them too - they are both pretty and odd looking and very curious. I wish we could free range them, but I can see they'd get themselves into a lot of trouble and likely get killed. The guineas free range very well, other than the hens getting picked off by foxes when setting out in the field.
On the guineas & peafowl:
There are both on the farm around the curve from me at the new place. The road takes a very sharp turn between my place & theirs & it literally puts them down over the bank behind my house & on the other side of a couple acres of trees. So far, none of their birds have ventured over for a visit. I have not yet heard the guineas at all though I know they are there because they have been in the middle of the road more than once when we drove by. The peas I occasionally hear just before dark. They give me a faint reminder that it's time to go put my birds to bed, so I don't mind them at all. I actually love hearing them. They free range them & I keep hoping they will wander over here & spread their fans for the kids to see, but they are apparently well trained to the location of their food bowls just as my birds are...LOL
Good evening all:


glad you are back on track....


Fried, scrambled or poached? (they do taste good).


Congrats on you first Keet....

On the quail topic, I may take a run at this in the spring....if all goes well (and never does), I will get a bee hive or two set up, and have time to figure out the quail thing...from my limited experience the coturnix seem to be the biggest and lay lots of eggs.....

An egg and cheese bagel flat sandwich. My favorite!

Welcome back silkie!!!

Anne, think you may be right, since all the new customers mention that they know someone else that buys from me....and I also have a very strict policy of,,,, if I am gonna sell it, it better be something that I would also eat...

I can not complain about the extra business, but it is also a little on the scary side, I have orders that go out to thanksgiving, what if I can not deliver...even though I chose this way of life, I am aware of how much my life depends on the cooperation of mother nature....last week she took off a roof in one of the layer houses.

Wing, I think people are understanding if they know they are buying from a small producer like yourself. It should be that way for sure! Hope you get a new roof for your girls soon. :)
my DS has black sumatra. I absolutely love them. In fact right now im getting better egg laying from my 2 Sum hens, than I am from my 5 WR & 8 PR hens combined (they are all the same age - 2ish years).

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