Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hello and welcome!

you are in my neck of the woods.. we are in Glen Campbell area. We will probably have hens/pullets available within the next 6 weeks or so, right now I have a commitment for 4 pullets and am waiting for one of the broods to show for sure pullets vs roos so I will be able to know what I will have left. I will also have 3 Buckeyes (1 is 16 weeks or so and the other 2 are 11 months and laying already)

How many are you looking for and do you want only hens and is there any size, breed, egg color you want in particular?
How cool!! Thanks for the warm welcome!!

Since I am right on Main street (the main drag into) and even though the lady of the city said there are no limits, I really AM limited to the amount I can have and still be able keep things semi-quiet, tidy and "in control" I'm only wanting around 4 or 5 more to add to my existing 5. I have asked a woman here in Punxsy to please keep two of her hens for me (ready any time I am), I would want probably 2 more. I HAVE to stop there...right?! lol This is NOT good...I am finding it very VERY hard to find my self control. Noone told me chickens were addictive!!! Help. P.S. Yes, I only want hens for now. Any large, cold tolerant breed at least decent with children. Marans...Orpingtons, Barred Rocks...etc. Not too picky, so long as they like laying :) Would love to stay in touch I will eventually, actually NEED more chickens lol
Welcome! That's kinda where I am. I'm near the Delmont area. Where are you? :)

I am kind of between Kittanning and Freeport, I think Delmont is fairly close.

Freeport's about a half hour for me. Like someone else said, what do you have and what do you want? I can offer you some black mottled bantam cochins :) I have two cockerels and a pullet. The roo is the best one I've ever had, and I plan to keep his offspring in my flock for as long as I possibly can. Never once have I had to watch my back around him,
Thank you for the offer. So sweet! I picked the breeds I want and definitely went cold hardy. I'm sort of in the position right now where if I get them now they'll be just old enough for cold in January. I wanted to wait till my coop was done to get my birds in case of any snags on the building process. I don't really want to wait till spring to get them, but I may have no choice


DH stated it well....for my two cents, build a coop twice as big as the flock you think you you get more educated, your opinions will change....a bunch of folks can set you up with chooks of all ages...(make sure you can integrate them)....DH,, Sally Sunshine, MsLadyHawk., and Blarney are all serous breeders near you with amazing heritage two cents
Howdy Erin:

A big Chester Co. hello....what do you have? (and what are you looking for?)

Hello! I have 1 Australorp, 1 Barred Rock and 2 silver laced Wyandottes. I didn't pick these breeds, they just happened to be the first 4 hens that walked out of the coop at the organic farm I bought them from. I was nervous to raise chicks without any experience at all so I talked them into selling me girls that were already laying. I am not completely sure on what breeds I would like to add but I would love to have a variety of egg colors.
I'll throw this out a tad prematurely, since everyone is going over birds available and bird wish lists (me!)----I'm going to be in the market for Swedish Flower Hen eggs in September/October. We are going to be hatching some buff orp eggs at that time too for the people we got our hens from (and for my kids' 4H projects) and we will be keeping the SFH for ourselves. So if anyone has SFH and would be willing to sell me some hatching eggs this fall, I'm your gal!!
Freeport's about a half hour for me. Like someone else said, what do you have and what do you want? I can offer you some black mottled bantam cochins :) I have two cockerels and a pullet. The roo is the best one I've ever had, and I plan to keep his offspring in my flock for as long as I possibly can. Never once have I had to watch my back around him,

I have 1 australorp, 1 barred rock and 2 laced Wyandotte. I am open to really any cold hardy breeds, I am worried how bantams would do with my full grown full size hens. I have no experience but I was thinking the big ones would bully the small ones??
I have 1 australorp, 1 barred rock and 2 laced Wyandotte. I am open to really any cold hardy breeds, I am worried how bantams would do with my full grown full size hens. I have no experience but I was thinking the big ones would bully the small ones??
I have a banty Polish in with my large hens. She rules the roost. I guess she didn't get memo she is smaller than everyone else lol I have my Polish in with my Barred Rocks, Golden laced wyandottes, Cuckoo Marans and a barnyard mixed hen. She talks everyone listens. lol She is older than everyone else but even when I had the other girls that were older, she ruled the roost. (I turned over my flock)
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