Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on this? I was thinking about getting it but couldn't find any info or reviews on it.
Personally, I'd steer clear of the cheap imported incubators. The reviews I've seen were not very good. It's better to make your own if you need to keep the costs low, otherwise, I'd go for the Genesis Hovabator for about $30 - 40 more than this one.

It's hard to beat the value of a "coolerbator", and if you buy a kit from the Incubator Warehouse it makes it easy (but a bit costlier than rolling your own).
that makes sense...............I see no signs of illness changes in behavior and her skin is not open or wounded...........she just has never filled in her bald spot?   so I figured its probably ok

I know I give them enough food and good quality it cant be lack of protein...........

thanks for your input
I had a similar situation. What I found was that she was the lowest on the pecking order. I put her in a separate pen with some younger birds and the all grew back
If you don't see Fresh Eggs Daily stuff, here was their post this morning.

Eggs in Clouds

Yield: 2 servings

4 eggs
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese

1. Preheat oven to 450 and line a sturdy cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
2. Separate eggs, putting the whites in a large mixing bowl and the yolks in separate little cups.
3. Whip the whites at high speed until stiff peaks form, about 2-3 minutes.
4. Gently stir in the cheese, then divide the whites into 4 "cloud" shapes on the baking sheet. Make a little well in the center of each cloud.
5. Bake for 3 minutes, then slide the cookie sheet out and gently slip a yolk into each well. Cook for another 3 minutes.
6. Gently remove with a spatula and serve!
I tried to make this.. didnt work out so well.. but my cat and dog loved the mess I made! LOL

Also I think I am going to downgrade further my flock, thinking the original number of 4. Now to figure out who is staying and who is going.
I have noticed that when feathers are pulled (such as during a disagreement or by rooster activity) the hen often will not regrow till she has a molt.  Some of our broody hens often look scraggly in their back when they start setting and through their hatch, but often about 2 weeks before they leave their youngsters I start seeing large quantities of new feathers growing in.  This makes sense since broodies often go through a light molt after raising a clutch. 
 If your hen was getting close to her normal molt then Mother Nature probably just has it organized so she doesn't have to grow feathers in twice.

Good luck!! :fl You will love getting to watch the broody mamas with their little ones! :love

I may be hitting you up for some hatching eggs... I just had another hen go to a box... she was due since she is usually a May and September hatcher.  I would love to get some WR eggs if you have any for hatching.  I am loving the Rocks I have.
I'm getting a few WR. Also getting a few PPRs. My WRxPPR crosses (which are coming out blue w/white penciling or blue barred are in with the PPR so I'm not sure what's what. I think they're starting to molt bc their egg production is down

I'm looking for ways to tell which hens are laying eggs. I simply can't afford to feed non producers
I am looking for recommendations on automatic chicken doors. Our coop will not be wired for electricity so looking for solar or battery powered versions. The two that have caught my eye so far are the Pullet Shut Door and the ChickenGuard. Does anyone here have experience with either?
Egg #2 around 2:30 this afternoon.

I got my 1st egg yesterday on my birthday! I thought that was the BEST birthday gift ever!!!! Now I got my 2nd egg this morning!
Can you go into detail of why you feed the Milo and millet seed, just curious since these are 2 easily found seeds ( are these not the two types of seed that make up most wild bird feeds)..
My mix is whole corn, wheat and barley...I am looking to add others but the cost has to be low to make it worthwhile.
I would really like to replace some of the barley with field peas but have not found a steady supplier..

I add sunflower when it is found cheaply, but they pick that out like it is candy to them.

I also still top dress with a mill bought Grower feed, about a cup on top of each dish.

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