Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Not chicken related, but the only place I can post something like this:

I hate my job.. and need a new one.. this place is a joke.. I am a Manager, but was told by the COO that I am not able to make any final decisions on anything and he is the only one that can say something is completed... WHAT A POMPOUS *******! So glad you value my opinion as your employee.. I can't wait for him to sink this place.. He approves nothing and drags everything out. Only a matter of time... and I will throw a party when it happens, and dance out the door..
Personally, I'd steer clear of the cheap imported incubators. The reviews I've seen were not very good. It's better to make your own if you need to keep the costs low, otherwise, I'd go for the Genesis Hovabator for about $30 - 40 more than this one.

It's hard to beat the value of a "coolerbator", and if you buy a kit from the Incubator Warehouse it makes it easy (but a bit costlier than rolling your own).

I'll look into the kit to make my own but I don't think I'm handy enough to do that lol. What do you think of this? It's not the genesis but it is hovabator.
is it worth it? And do you think it would work pretty good?
I'll look into the kit to make my own but I don't think I'm handy enough to do that lol. What do you think of this? It's not the genesis but it is hovabator.
is it worth it? And do you think it would work pretty good?

For about $5 more, look at this one:
I highly recommend Cutler Supply, I've ordered from them twice now and been happy with their service.

I think the electronic thermostat is worth the extra, though Sally swears by the old-time wafer ones. If you want to save even more, the still-air version of the one you found goes for about $55 on Cutler's site. If you know any computer junkies, see if you can get them to hook you up with a fan from an old computer and a power supply from an old cell phone or other DC voltage electronics. I replaced the worn out fan in my old Hoverbator with a PC fan and it works great. I use it as a hatcher and turn the fan off (unplug the separate power supply) once they start to hatch to prevent shrink wrapping.
For about $5 more, look at this one:
I highly recommend Cutler Supply, I've ordered from them twice now and been happy with their service.

I think the electronic thermostat is worth the extra, though Sally swears by the old-time wafer ones. If you want to save even more, the still-air version of the one you found goes for about $55 on Cutler's site. If you know any computer junkies, see if you can get them to hook you up with a fan from an old computer and a power supply from an old cell phone or other DC voltage electronics. I replaced the worn out fan in my old Hoverbator with a PC fan and it works great. I use it as a hatcher and turn the fan off (unplug the separate power supply) once they start to hatch to prevent shrink wrapping.

Oh that's even better. How hard is it to add an automatic turner later on? I definitely want to add one to it but can't buy it until next pay. I'm using my allowance lol. Hubby gives me $100 every 2 weeks to play with. I just usually spend it on the kids but not this time lol.
Still have quite a bit of finishing to do, but the coop is done enough to house the chickies! Turned out quite a bit bigger/taller than I envisioned but I'm really happy with it... especially considering I built it myself at 8-9mo pregnant - all the hubs helped with was lifting the long side walls up onto the floor platform and lifting the roof up into position

Question, since it's summer and the roof is clear, should I toss a tarp over the roof for shade? The chicks seemed hot this afternoon... the pallet walls make some spotty shade, but there was a good amount of sun in there. The reason for the clear roof was extra sun in the winter, I wasn't really thinking about summer heat.

We plan to add some type of roll up shade for the open pallet side that we can put down for extra protection from rains... the idea for the pallet sides was two-fold - lots of ventilation in the summer heat and also cost effectiveness. Come winter, I'll add a panel of T1-11 siding over each of the pallet walls that can be removed again in the spring/summer.

The chicks really seem to like their coop, they didn't even get out in the temporary run today because I took too long moving the fencing around and didn't get the bird netting up over it (that stuff is so annoying, but the chicks can fly up to the little temporary fence already so it needs something over it).
Oh that's even better. How hard is it to add an automatic turner later on? I definitely want to add one to it but can't buy it until next pay. I'm using my allowance lol. Hubby gives me $100 every 2 weeks to play with. I just usually spend it on the kids but not this time lol.

The turners are easily added later, but you often get a better deal buying them together. Saves shipping too. Most people are shutting down their incubators about now, are you sure you want half-grown chickens when the winter hits us? I'd save my money and maybe get the whole deal for Christmas, then you are all set for hatching as soon as it starts to thaw.
Still have quite a bit of finishing to do, but the coop is done enough to house the chickies! Turned out quite a bit bigger/taller than I envisioned but I'm really happy with it... especially considering I built it myself at 8-9mo pregnant - all the hubs helped with was lifting the long side walls up onto the floor platform and lifting the roof up into position

Question, since it's summer and the roof is clear, should I toss a tarp over the roof for shade? The chicks seemed hot this afternoon... the pallet walls make some spotty shade, but there was a good amount of sun in there. The reason for the clear roof was extra sun in the winter, I wasn't really thinking about summer heat.

We plan to add some type of roll up shade for the open pallet side that we can put down for extra protection from rains... the idea for the pallet sides was two-fold - lots of ventilation in the summer heat and also cost effectiveness. Come winter, I'll add a panel of T1-11 siding over each of the pallet walls that can be removed again in the spring/summer.
Very good job!!
I'm impressed! Yes they should have some shade, it doesn't really matter how you do it, just so they have somewhere to get out of the sun if they want too.
The turners are easily added later, but you often get a better deal buying them together. Saves shipping too. Most people are shutting down their incubators about now, are you sure you want half-grown chickens when the winter hits us? I'd save my money and maybe get the whole deal for Christmas, then you are all set for hatching as soon as it starts to thaw.

I know this sounds dumb but I wasn't actually planning to use it yet. I was going to learn how it works and have it here and ready. My problem is that I can't save. Any time I try we end up needing to use it for something. If I'd get it now, I wouldn't have to worry about trying to find a good deal on one later or stressing over how to use it when the time comes. Waiting until Christmas will be worse since everything will be going towards the kids and more than half my allowance will be going to pay for my daughter's dance lessons which go from September-may/June. The way I see it, it's now or never lol
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