Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anne & LMP, I will gladly share!

Left the Farm Show a little bit ago as the fire alarm was ringing and the building was being evacuated. I had this strong urge to run back and save the birds! My little one wanted to reach in and get the eggs out of the cages. She had so much fun on her first trip. Deciding on a few breeds I may want to add, gonna check my notes when I get home. We are already discussing the possibility of entering our slate blue turkey next year.
Was it a drill?
I've been looking at the "dog proof coon traps" as an appealing option. I'm not much with a gun and don't want to dispatch the critters, so I'd call our resident fur trapper, but it sounds like you have that covered. I bet any size shot would work at point blank range. Plus, you can look it in the eye as you put it down for the ultimate feeling of revenge.

Most of your neighbors would appreciate you removing them, but a few will not feel that way, so I'd keep it on the DL if I were trapping in the suburbs.

"PLUS" .....a condescending statement about revenge....FU .....If given the opportunity I will kill the killer of my pets....

Just to be clear...don't bother to respond to my posts....your opinions are not welcome....
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Both coops and runs were open....I haven't had any troubles and have been letting the chooks come and go as they please for about 8mos. I do check them every evening and through the days when I am around....last night I had to work to 9:00p and found her when I came home....found four distinct piles of feathers when I checked around this morning...I'll be going to TSC tomorrow morning for what traps they may have and I'll be building and secure door on coop#2.(no door currently).....

I've now lost 5 of my original 6 over the past two years....the two BOs this fall/winter.....and three last winter.....
again, I am sorry for your losses Stake.
I have always closed them up, we just have way too many predators here & i am a neurotic
a 22 is a lot smaller (than a Boom of a shot gun) & dispatches quickly if caged, just a thought. I hope you are able to remedy this situation..what ever way you chose.
Washington county here!
Hello & welcome
why is everyone located so far away??!!
I don't think so because security was telling us to please leave the building that a fire was reported. Blue lights were blinking, siren sound over the loud speaker as well as announcements over the pa.
good grief...may be on the news the "top story"....hope everything got taken care of quickly & nothing was hurt/damaged.
Did you get to see everything you wanted to before having to leave?...I hope so...
"PLUS" .....a condescending statement about revenge....FU .....If given the opportunity I will kill the killer of my pets....
understood completely....
Nothing so far sadly but I am looking to start a small flock in Robinson township


Bunch of folks on here have some really good lines of chooks that will be hatching chicks pretty soon,,,,just post what you want and you'll be surprised.....production to exotics,,,they are here in two cents....

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