Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I'm in Beaver County... We just used a baby pool for a brooder, had to put a fence around it after the first week or two. We aren't using it though if you want to borrow it. Have a light too but can't help with the feeder and waterer... We just used a bowl for water until we introduced the poultry nipples and our feeder is still being used by the turkeys.
Thanks for the offer. I had forgotten that down in the basement I actually had a huge box from when I bought my mitre saw. So I will be using that, now I just gotta come up with something to keep the little buggers from jumping out.
How do you all clean up your runs? We had been tossing bedding and grass clippings and straw in to give the chickens stuff to do and help keep it dry when it gets wet and mucky. So my plan was to shovel out the mostly composted stuff and mix it into some soil for the new raised beds. Problem... It's so compacted that I can't really scoop it (even with my new pitch fork). So what's the trick? I feel like I need some kind of heavy duty tiller to break it up, but we don't have that kind of equipment. Maybe I should have been raking and turning it all along, but it just didn't seem that deep and now it's been sitting and compacting all winter.

It's hard work to get it all out but I just used a spade shovel to dig it all up. I threw it in a cart and drug it out to the compost bin to finish composting. I didn't realize how much of a pain it would be to get it all.
Just stopping in to say " hello "
Time is something that I do not have much of lately, I keep up with reading the post, but usually to tired at night to even think about commenting....I get cranky when tired..
The yard is full of dandelions, give me some day idea's besides just feeding to the bunnies... nothing to involved.

FYI, when I saw Rose the other day she was still talking about bunnies.... Do you have any you are selling for meat yet? I have a friend who was interested.

That's what I thought...

I don't keep my feeders in the coop, only because I find they don't eat enough when I have, but, to each, his own.

Best view in the world:

Awesome! I'm surprised you have any grass left though!


Hello I am stopping by to say hello. I am from North East PA by Hazleton.


I have blue slates & mixes in the bator right now. Over 2 dozen in 3 batches & another batch waiting to go in. I got 5 eggs from 6 hens today, so looks like almost everyone is in gear. Pretty sure I know which little hen isn't laying yet. Fertility is pretty high as well. Only 2 clears from what I've set & 2 from the ones I've sent to others.
Dandelion wine...
I've been around farms & animals my entire life & wanted to be a vet when I was a kid. It's accumulated knowledge & a lot of it applies to poultry as well as other animals. So I guess you could say, I have 40 years experience with animals & 4+ specific to poultry. (Plus I do a lot of research.)
I try to avoid food & water in the coop whenever possible. It's just not worth the mess. I don't have time or money for the wasted feed, wet bedding, & having to constantly clean it all up to avoid feed & bedding getting moldy & birds getting sick or dying.

I don't leave food or water in my coop at night either. My girls free range all day (as much as you can in a fenced in yard) and only go in the coop during the day to lay.

I really want to participate in chicken math but only have a small lot. Darn it.

Ditto! Our time will come though! :pop
With the warm weather, I realize I need a baby monitor for when I'm outside. I was going to go basic. No need for a video screen, I don't need to watch the baby sleep. Then I thought about using it in the coop. Now I want a video baby monitor. What does this say about me?
With the warm weather, I realize I need a baby monitor for when I'm outside. I was going to go basic. No need for a video screen, I don't need to watch the baby sleep. Then I thought about using it in the coop. Now I want a video baby monitor. What does this say about me?
Sounds perfectly normal to me.... but then again.... we have 2 of the 2 camera baby monitor systems and even a home video surveillance system set up now so we can spy on the critters when we are away from home!...
How do you all clean up your runs? We had been tossing bedding and grass clippings and straw in to give the chickens stuff to do and help keep it dry when it gets wet and mucky. So my plan was to shovel out the mostly composted stuff and mix it into some soil for the new raised beds. Problem... It's so compacted that I can't really scoop it (even with my new pitch fork). So what's the trick? I feel like I need some kind of heavy duty tiller to break it up, but we don't have that kind of equipment. Maybe I should have been raking and turning it all along, but it just didn't seem that deep and now it's been sitting and compacting all winter.
I have been using a metal rake to break up and shovel it on the shovel and then to the wheelbarrow and into the garden. Still trying to clean up all the runs. It is back breaking work.
FYI, when I saw Rose the other day she was still talking about bunnies.... Do you have any you are selling for meat yet? I have a friend who was interested.

I don't leave food or water in my coop at night either. My girls free range all day (as much as you can in a fenced in yard) and only go in the coop during the day to lay.
Ditto! Our time will come though! :pop

Is rose looking for meat or breeders for meat? I have some breeders available. Mixed breed meat.

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