Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

@stake , good luck with catching and getting rid of the fox or foxes, i hope you can kill all of them
Okay------------I need some advice

My SLW has a bare backside!

I figured the others were vent picking............plucking her feathers etc.......................this was quite some time months!

I picked her up and washed her backside and sprayed it with blukote on 3 different occaisions...................maybe a few weeks apart.

Her skin is intact............sometimes its redder than others.............I was thinking that is due to being hot at times.............

MY QUESTION: why are her downy feathers not growing back in?

is there something else wrong with her?

what should I do?

Okay------------I need some advice

My SLW has a bare backside!

I figured the others were vent picking............plucking her feathers etc.......................this was quite some time months!

I picked her up and washed her backside and sprayed it with blukote on 3 different occaisions...................maybe a few weeks apart.

Her skin is intact............sometimes its redder than others.............I was thinking that is due to being hot at times.............

MY QUESTION:   why are her downy feathers not growing back in?

is there something else wrong with her?

what should I do?


Check for lice eggs at the base of their feathers near their vent. My girls had a nasty case this spring since they couldn't dust bathe all winter. It is easy to treat if thats the case.
For those of you who have incubators or who have researched them extensively, this question is for you. Does a Dual Chamber Incubator make sense? My thinking behind the purpose of a dual chamber incubator would be that one side could be placed in lock-down for the little buggers to hatch in without effecting access to the other side that could have eggs in it that still needed your attention. Could be controlled by two different "zones" or systems of humidity and heating. Or somebody could incubate two different types of eggs that might carry slightly different incubating requirements. Does this sound like a feasible idea or am I over thinking this?
For those of you who have incubators or who have researched them extensively, this question is for you. Does a Dual Chamber Incubator make sense? My thinking behind the purpose of a dual chamber incubator would be that one side could be placed in lock-down for the little buggers to hatch in without effecting access to the other side that could have eggs in it that still needed your attention. Could be controlled by two different "zones" or systems of humidity and heating. Or somebody could incubate two different types of eggs that might carry slightly different incubating requirements. Does this sound like a feasible idea or am I over thinking this?

I've seen people do this using old refridgerators. Incubate in the fridge section & hatch in the freezer section. You can make your bator as fancy as you like.
For those of you who have incubators or who have researched them extensively, this question is for you. Does a Dual Chamber Incubator make sense? My thinking behind the purpose of a dual chamber incubator would be that one side could be placed in lock-down for the little buggers to hatch in without effecting access to the other side that could have eggs in it that still needed your attention. Could be controlled by two different "zones" or systems of humidity and heating. Or somebody could incubate two different types of eggs that might carry slightly different incubating requirements. Does this sound like a feasible idea or am I over thinking this?

There are several of us that do the same thing using a sperate incubator (or three) for hatching.
If I'm still awake this evening, I'll try to get pics, if they post.

Sorry, working 40 of 72 hours. Kind of not with it this morning.
A few pictures as I was putting the birds away for the night... Turkeys found a new place to roost... the top of the coop is covered in poop :sick The heritage birds for my meaty project say chicken tractors are just for fat birds... we want to roost in the tree with the other turkeys! They couldn't even be swayed by an evening meal in the tractor. Delaware and dark Cornish (DC on the left, harder to see in the dark) My future broodies from CC... they were desperately trying to get out of their quarantine crate... my guess is they really wanted to roost too. My 7yo accidentally let them out with the other birds for a treat this afternoon and they seemed to well with the meaties, but the turkeys weren't too fond of them. These orps are very skittish and don't like to be handled (yet, haha) so catching them to put them back in the crate was fun. I also got to chase a meat rabbit around the yard today because one of the girls left the cage unlatched. Thankfully he's really scared of the chickens so he kept returning to his cage area and I was able to catch him and put him away. I really thought he was gone for a while until there was a big commotion by the chicken run.
They will calm down with handling and treats. I don't handle my birds much, so they start on the skittish side. It serves them well against predators. I have open top runs and don't close my coops.
Well, I never would have guessed that with this cock bird I got from you, he's just as sweet and calm as he can be. He's still confined to quarantine, so he's not protecting any ladies, but let's me reach in and out of his pen with no problems what-so-ever. He does drop his wing and get into fight mode when Bella comes sniffing around, but I suspect that will change once he's out and about.
Well, Came home to another fox attack.....two 6wk chicks are missing and the roo is gone....found one other bird outside the pen.....all birds were in one of two pens this morning....the chicks may have been small enough to squeeze through the welded wire.....but the roo and the other girl left the pen(s)......what a PIA!!!

Oh No! This is just the worst. I'm soooo sorry. We left 20 chicks outside last night for the first time, I don't think their coop is completely secure, it's a tractor that could be easily dug under...I could hardly sleep.


Maybe a bit of both... I am glad they are doing ok though.... being broody raised they didn't get a huge amount of time with us, especially since we had 7 hens with chicks all at the same time in February!   
Hope the hubby heals soon! Give hubby the chick to take care of... it may keep him occupied for a while.


thank you, sure hope so myself, he was doing really well til yesterday, the pt came and they were almost done when the pt pushed his knee to hard and something popped, now hes worse than before he came up from recovery , but things will work out

I sure hope so! I like Fisherlady's idea of making the patient a caregiver, probably very good for pt psychologically AND helps with your workload.
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