Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey I'm in the valley forge area I got 2 bantam black Cochin Roos 3 bantam golden sebrights 1 bantam silver sebrights 2 Rhode Island reds 4 silver sebrights black Cochin bantam crosses 2 chocolate call ducks and 2 contournislx quail (can't spell) and always looking for more I got 6 Roos and 6 hens don't know how it works if anybody has extra coops or birds send me a message also looking for New Zealand rabbits and a few questions
1.) 2 of my roosters randomly fought for the first time do u think being brothers they will eventually stop fighting
2.) anybody have any advise raising bobwhites or meat rabbits that they found weird but really helped them
3.) anybody want to swap hatching eggs
4.) anybody have unusual chicken coop or duck pond design if so could u share it every year I make a coop for gifted so always looking for cool ideas

1) Once roosters start fighting each other, they will continue until one loses badly enough to never challenge the other one, sometimes the winner ends up killing the loser.
2) I've had a little experience with quail and rabbits, don't have either now. I don't have any particular advice other than to read a lot on the internet.
3) I often have extra hatching eggs, message me if you want something I have (list in my "tagline")
4) Not much help here for good design, my coops are functional, but not that pretty.

I'm formally known as chickencowranch. I changed my email address.  I have old chickens and new chickens.   I have two roosters One for each coop. My chickens areone red, one speckled Sussex, and one Silkie cross and some barnyard mixes. My new chickens are three golden comets, two Rhode islands red and three Americana. They are fun to have around.  With egg prices I'm glad I have them.  I've just heard the avian flu has hit Pa.  My chickens free range.  Nobody is touching my chickens.

Did I miss something? The USDA Website has the last confirmed detection of AI on June 17th, in Iowa. And no cases in Pennsylvania. Where did you hear this?

@emorems... I did actually LOL at 'Google set me straight', I hope you get those critters in check. What a nuisance!

Hey I'm in the valley forge area I got 2 bantam black Cochin Roos 3 bantam golden sebrights 1 bantam silver sebrights 2 Rhode Island reds 4 silver sebrights black Cochin bantam crosses 2 chocolate call ducks and 2 contournislx quail (can't spell) and always looking for more I got 6 Roos and 6 hens don't know how it works if anybody has extra coops or birds send me a message also looking for New Zealand rabbits and a few questions
1.) 2 of my roosters randomly fought for the first time do u think being brothers they will eventually stop fighting
2.) anybody have any advise raising bobwhites or meat rabbits that they found weird but really helped them
3.) anybody want to swap hatching eggs
4.) anybody have unusual chicken coop or duck pond design if so could u share it every year I make a coop for gifted so always looking for cool ideas

Welcome! I am in Bucks county close by, don't have any hatching eggs or anything to share though.

She seems to be doing great... just checked them today and tried to count them but they were all so jumpy it was impossible! I thought I had counted 7 plus Peter before, but hubs counted 6 plus Peter this afternoon. I try not to mess with them too much so we'll be able  to tell better when they start venturing out. Clover's litter still has their eyes closed, so it will be a little while.

So your domestic bunny took the wild bunny and is nursing her and accepting her? That is so cool!

Question time! Does anyone have any chickens that lay outside of the box? I have had it three times where I found an egg in the middle of my yard. Very strange. And I know I have enough nest boxes now, it's not really a big deal, but I was curious if it meant something was "off". Maybe I will give the coop a thorough cleaning this week.
my new strategy regarding predators and poultry will be 'don't get too attached to your birds'.

Turns out, now that I finally am able to pasture some birds (which, BTW, makes my heart sing), my losses are NOT from a hawk.
A Bald Eagle has become a frequent visitor to the 'DeFilippo Chicken Buffet, -all you can eat'. Seriously with this? We finally got the electric fencing up around the birds to keep them safe from fox and the neighbors dog... Now I guess we've got to move them into the woods so they have cover.

my new strategy regarding predators and poultry will be 'don't get too attached to your birds'.

Turns out, now that I finally am able to pasture some birds (which, BTW, makes my heart sing), my losses are NOT from a hawk.
A Bald Eagle has become a frequent visitor to the 'DeFilippo Chicken Buffet, -all you can eat'. Seriously with this? We finally got the electric fencing up around the birds to keep them safe from fox and the neighbors dog... Now I guess we've got to move them into the woods so they have cover.


Sorry to hear, had a pair stop by last year, but they scare off really easy and never came back....and this year I have seen about 1/3 of the raptures I had last year...

now foxes on the other hand....I have two that are around every day (mostly evening now)...I have spent the last three evenings sitting out with the shotgun....
Welcome! I am in Bucks county close by, don't have any hatching eggs or anything to share though.
So your domestic bunny took the wild bunny and is nursing her and accepting her? That is so cool!

Question time! Does anyone have any chickens that lay outside of the box? I have had it three times where I found an egg in the middle of my yard. Very strange. And I know I have enough nest boxes now, it's not really a big deal, but I was curious if it meant something was "off". Maybe I will give the coop a thorough cleaning this week.

yeppers....I leave some golf balls where I want the chicks to lay.....seems to work

Sorry to hear, had a pair stop by last year, but they scare off really easy and never came back....and this year I have seen about 1/3 of the raptures I had last year...

now foxes on the other hand....I have two that are around every day (mostly evening now)...I have spent the last three evenings sitting out with the shotgun....

Hi Stake.....Know all about the foxes...that's how we lost 3...My BF and 2 of his friends made a "concussion bomb"..(they are into guns & things that go Boom!) they were wanting to test this anyway....they found the den, wasn't hard you can tell they are usually kinda close and usually have leftover critter bones around it....they threw that down in the den and set the fuse and got the hell out of there! I heard it down IN the house.....
Needless to say,.....we no longer have a fox problem....if it didn't kill them, it sure the hell ran them off...He also just told me that Agway sells a smoke bomb....for just this purpose....I myself feel bad in killing anything....but when it comes to protecting what's yours...sometimes you have to bite that bullet and just do it...
Hi Stake.....Know all about the foxes...that's how we lost 3...My BF and 2 of his friends made a "concussion bomb"..(they are into guns & things that go Boom!) they were wanting to test this anyway....they found the den, wasn't hard you can tell they are usually kinda close and usually have leftover critter bones around it....they threw that down in the den and set the fuse and got the hell out of there! I heard it down IN the house.....
Needless to say,.....we no longer have a fox problem....if it didn't kill them, it sure the hell ran them off...He also just told me that Agway sells a smoke bomb....for just this purpose....I myself feel bad in killing anything....but when it comes to protecting what's yours...sometimes you have to bite that bullet and just do it...


Found "a den" and did the mustard gas treatment to may or may not have killed any and it did make them much more wary, but they are still here....I've spot lighted them a few times and have heard calls from two different foxes at night(two different males I think).....its a PIA....

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