Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I know this is sad but I was wondering I had a chick die so I gave it to my cat do u think that it is bad for him just wondering it was a quail chick and he kind of swallowed it whole
I know this is sad but I was wondering I had a chick die so I gave it to my cat do u think that it is bad for him just wondering it was a quail chick and he kind of swallowed it whole

.well at least you recycled it.....i've seen cats eat birds just about whole, so prob. not bad for your cat.
I know this is sad but I was wondering I had a chick die so I gave it to my cat do u think that it is bad for him just wondering it was a quail chick and he kind of swallowed it whole

Sorry to hear you lost a chick, I can understand your idea of not wasting it but I'm not sure I would be giving it to the cat. Now the cat will be more inclined to view them as 'fair game' rather than as off limits because they belong to it's human.
I routinely feed our cats raw chicken but I make sure it doesn't have feathers so they don't equate it with the chicks in our coop.
We have 5 cats, all will hunt wild birds as is their nature, but I have never lost a chick to one, and our broodies raise a LOT of chicks each year.
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Sorry to hear you lost a chick, I can understand your idea of not wasting it but I'm not sure I would be giving it to the cat. Now the cat will be more inclined to view them as 'fair game' rather than as off limits because they belong to it's human.
I routinely feed our cats raw chicken but I make sure it doesn't have feathers so they don't equate it with the chicks in our coop.
We have 5 cats, all will hunt wild birds as is their nature, but I have never lost a chick to one, and our broodies raise a LOT of chicks each year.

Actually it's kind of funny my cat when it was a kitten got chased by some chickens and is scared to death of them and my 6 roosters keep him at bay it's why he is now an indoor cat but you do raise a good point since I do keep chicks in room I guess I'll have to keep an eye on my cat now thanks for the advice
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I like scrapple, why?

Somehow Bridget is escaping the fenced yard. The little guys can go thru the fence, but I think she must be going over somehow. Silly girl.

In other news, Zippy has fuzzy legs. So do Pete and DupliCate, but I didn't get a pic of them.

I think this is going to be a very elegant looking bird. Male or female? Any guesses? Hatched June 7.
I like scrapple, why? Somehow Bridget is escaping the fenced yard. The little guys can go thru the fence, but I think she must be going over somehow. Silly girl. In other news, Zippy has fuzzy legs. So do Pete and DupliCate, but I didn't get a pic of them. I think this is going to be a very elegant looking bird. Male or female? Any guesses? Hatched June 7.
That comb appears pretty prominent...I am going with rooster.
I like scrapple, why? Somehow Bridget is escaping the fenced yard. The little guys can go thru the fence, but I think she must be going over somehow. Silly girl. In other news, Zippy has fuzzy legs. So do Pete and DupliCate, but I didn't get a pic of them. I think this is going to be a very elegant looking bird. Male or female? Any guesses? Hatched June 7.
That comb appears pretty prominent...I am going with rooster.
I'd have to politely disagree. That bird is roughly 8 weeks, right? It may just be a large-combed hen... I'm leaning toward the pullet side, but I'm still a little on the fence.
. Had some help with my truck today! Their like kids!! Always in the way, they wouldn't go away!! LOL
Gorgeous roo!
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I'd have to politely disagree. That bird is roughly 8 weeks, right? It may just be a large-combed hen... I'm leaning toward the pullet side, but I'm still a little on the fence.
Gorgeous roo!

Thank you chippymom327, he has a twin!
not sure what up with his wings, he was like that when I got them. What part of Pa are you in?

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