Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

It's so nerve ranking the first time babies go out to free range and explore! I get so worried that they're going to get lost lol. My little 8 week old babies are or of the run, free ranging for the first time. At least they're sticking together in their own little flock.

I got to see something interesting this morning. Adam, my oldest poult (12-14 weeks old roughly?) Was out wandering around since I can trust him and can catch him. He typically doesn't go far from the rest of his turkey flock which were still penned up so he was grazing around the outside of the pen. Well, one of my young ameraucana cockerels (16-17 weeks old) decided to be brave and came over and pecked Adam on the head. Adam was NOT happy with this brave young intruder and fluffed up into a full strut then started jumping and flying at him and chasing him with his feet up. It was so funny! Suddenly, that little boy want do brave anymore! Adam chased him a good 50 get to the tree line of the woods lol. He looked very proud of himself for a job well done when he came back haha!
Well, looks like my only lavender chick is undeniably a boy. Heard some practice crowing from the coop yesterday morning. Has never done it in front of me, but I'm sure my other four are ladies. What do you guys think? Definitely a roo, right?

Also, is anyone in the area interested in a Lavender Orpington roo?
He's pretty friendly and charismatic, has been handled regularly since I got him from Lancaster Fancy Fowl about 18 weeks ago. He was the snuggliest chick. Don't really need a noise ordinance violation though, especially since I'll be relocating within the area soon and can't guarantee the next neighbors will be cool with rooster crowing.

(1st picture at 3 weeks or so, second at 9 weeks and 3rd was at 14 weeks)

Okay, thanks dheltzel, I'll send Blarney a quick message and see if there's any interest in a Lavender Orp Roo.
Any other takers?
Only a few more days until I can candle my eggs.,,, I gave her 14, and I'm not sure how's she's been covering them. We shall see! It's one of my top hens so I don't think the other girls are bothering her much. Hopefully she hatched more than 4 chicks. ;)
Only a few more days until I can candle my eggs.,,, I gave her 14, and I'm not sure how's she's been covering them. We shall see! It's one of my top hens so I don't think the other girls are bothering her much. Hopefully she hatched more than 4 chicks.


Good luck with the candeling....what is you girl sitting on? and, are you still looking for feed bags? if so, I have a bunch for you!!!

Good luck with the candeling....what is you girl sitting on? and, are you still looking for feed bags? if so, I have a bunch for you!!!

Thanks, I have bantam Cochin, Rhodebar and a couple Marans, all from Ddheltzel of course. I won't be able to keep any of them, so they will be offered here if/when they hatch. If you can save the feed bags, that'd be great. I don't need any right this moment, we are still sewing up our last batch we collected. :lol:
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