Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I agree that cuckoo is a more accurate description of his appearance. ..but then again, one of the 'pure bred' Barred Rock hens we have is from a hatchery and looks more cuckoo than most Dominique do! LOL
My other BR hen is from show stock and the difference is night and day when you see them together!

I want to see the two together! Do you have a picture please? I was just thinking the other day that the barring on my hatchery BR (Sunflower) was kind of blurry. I am a newbie and have never seen a really show stock BR.
OH NO! I'm so sorry Popcorn there and ok?

Yes. She's fine. Joni reminded me that we were lucky it wasn't Popcorn, but I'm still bummed to loose the Silkie. She was a good broody and Popcorn's other half.
No. I'm no princess either lol. In all honesty, my email address is auroradream26, named for my dog (and my age at the time) who I had plans to breed and show years ago (Kristari's Aurora Dream). That never happened since I got pregnant and couldn't afford to show and do health testing. It was just easier to keep the same name with everything

It's too bad your so far away. I would give your little pullet a home. I'm trying to build up my black copper marans with more quality birds and would love to get into showing them.
Back when you were 26? Did they even have e-mail then?
I want to see the two together! Do you have a picture please? I was just thinking the other day that the barring on my hatchery BR (Sunflower) was kind of blurry. I am a newbie and have never seen a really show stock BR. Thanks!
I don't have a pic right now but will get one for you...spent the day cleaning coops and ooohing over the broody with her little ones out exploring the big, wide world. ...I do loose track of time when they are out! LOL
Three of my gals first time out in the world......Ziva, Stella, and Madge. I had the other 5 out but did not get a good pic of them, and watching them all tonight I think my SLW named Henrietta may be Henry. I will try to get a pic of her to see what u all think.
[COLOR=0000FF]Yes.  She's fine.  Joni reminded me that we were lucky it wasn't Popcorn, but I'm still bummed to loose the Silkie.  She was a good broody and Popcorn's other half.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000FF]Back when you were 26?  Did they even have e-mail then?  [/COLOR]:oops:

Hey, I'm only 31! For the next month at least lol. Honestly, it was originally auroradream21 but something happened and I lost my email so I had to redo it and changed it to match my age lol. "Dreamy" is still here though. She's 11 years old now and still jumps the baby gate, slams against the door, and refuses to act her age lol

[COLOR=0000FF]Yes.  She's fine.  Joni reminded me that we were lucky it wasn't Popcorn, but I'm still bummed to loose the Silkie.  She was a good broody and Popcorn's other half.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000FF]Back when you were 26?  Did they even have e-mail then?  [/COLOR]:oops:

I'm really sorry to hear about Mary, I hope your fears are wrong but I understand and am sorry you are going through this....:hugs
Picked up our chicks at the PO today! They are SO tiny compared to the meaties that @littlefoxxx rescued for us! I set them all up under a MHP in an outdoor brooder along with the 6 that we picked up from @dheltzel yesterday. @Chaos18 also stopped by today to pick up his birds from @Auroradream26 ... What a bunch of enablers we are all are!

I do have one little chickie inside under a heat lamp... We took the kids out to the park and then picked up some pizza for dinner this afternoon/evening and after we were done eating I checked on the chickies to make sure they all made it back under the MHP (mama heating pad) for the night. One chick was laying on the grass looking dead :( I collected a turkey egg and came back to get the chick and I saw it move a little. It was ice cold when I picked it up so I held it against the MHP for a few minutes to see if I could get any response - it still felt freezing, but it was definitely alive. I brought it inside and mixed up some sugar water and then spotted my chick electrolyte stuff so I put a little of that in the water too. We warmed it up on a heating pad with a heat lamp overhead and gave it the electrolyte/sugar water in a dropper. Seems to be doing okay now, but it will spend the night inside. It has pooped, but I haven't seen it eat or drink on its own yet. My daughter put a little rubber chicken toy in the box with it.

Hubs doesn't want to let the heat lamp on over night (and I don't want to overheat the chick either), it's pretty warm in here... thinking of putting a heating pad (just one of those microwave rice ones) under the box when I go to bed and covering it with a towel to keep the heat in, bad idea?
I would put a towel in the bottom of the box covered In a towel so they poo is on that and not the pad and then cover it with a towel just leave a little sliver for a little more air flow and keep it In a room with the door closes to help keep the heat in the room Attention Silkie owners,
Have you applied this technique to sexing your silkies? If so how successful were you? And would you kindly provide a few more examples. I'm have a difficult time understanding with just one example. Thank you in advance.

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