Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Nope, just really awesome mutts! For the life of me, I can't figure out how they aren't red or blonde. I only have two black hens, and the other 3 are red or blondish. The rooster isn't black either. I might "have" to hatch some more to get a few reds for my sister's new farm. My niece will be in charge, and I want her to know which is which. :D
Or, I can get a few off Jess.

I love a good mutt!



Beautiful! Looks like someone needs a hen saddle though... :)

One more month and I will finally have my chicks from Meyer!!!! It has been killing me to see all the babies at TSC and not bring any home.....ok well thats the partial truth, I did bring 2 ducklings home...... :yesss:

It's so hard to pass up the cute little baby chicks anytime!

"barred rock" is an easy to replicate pattern because both black and barring are dominant. If you crosses a Legbar and any black breed (australorp or black Ameraucana, for ex), all the resulting chicks will strongly resemble a barred rock hen in coloration - even though that color is not present on either parent.

Actually, that is only true if the cock is the Legbar, if you used a Legbar pullet and a Black Am roo, you would get black sexlinks, with only the cockerel chicks looking like barred rocks.

:bow all hail the chicken master! How long did it take you to accumulate all this knowledge?

[COLOR=0000FF]​Yes!  Would love to see the set up.  I have the feeling they like more of an open air roosting spot based on where I'd have to catch them to put them away.  It's got to be tough figuring out a open air situation that is also predator proof.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I am picturing emorems0 showing up with a clip board next time... 'check your inventory and uh, please sign here'.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Yes, who is Jess? Not in the market for blue layers myself...just nosey.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I would call it Cuckoo... and Ha! I hear ya on the 'attacked' thing.  Not on this thread though...but some others can be quite harsh. Some examples:  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]     [/COLOR] [COLOR=008000]        **Do NOT for one minute think that your EE is an Ameraucana   Did you buy it at a feed store??  Well, then it is nothing more than a glorified mutt.  And do NOT spell Americana with an 'I'.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=008000]              **You MUST spell Marans with an 's' -even in the singular.  EVERY TIME or don't even bother to post.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]lol oh yeah, there's a lil bit a crazy going on in the poultry world.  Helloooo people, they're chickens, get a grip.  [/COLOR]

I agree, lighten up people!

I don't have a pic right now but will get one for you...spent the day cleaning coops and ooohing over the broody with her little ones out exploring the big, wide world. ...I do loose track of time when they are out! LOL

That's sometimes happens... :oops:
Hey, I'm only 31! For the next month at least lol. Honestly, it was originally auroradream21 but something happened and I lost my email so I had to redo it and changed it to match my age lol. "Dreamy" is still here though. She's 11 years old now and still jumps the baby gate, slams against the door, and refuses to act her age lol

My neighbor had a 18 year old husky. He was weak and half blind, but still played with people.
Three of my gals first time out in the world......Ziva, Stella, and Madge. I had the other 5 out but did not get a good pic of them, and watching them all tonight I think my SLW named Henrietta may be Henry. I will try to get a pic of her to see what u all think.
cute! Ziva looks more and more like dark cornish.
all hail the chicken master! How long did it take you to accumulate all this knowledge?
LOL. I majored in biology (horticulture, technically) and have always had a deep interest in genetics, both plants and animals. Basic genetics is universal, so most of what I learned about it with plants and fish is applicable to chickens, though sex-linkages are only in birds and mammals, fish, reptiles, etc have a much more "malleable" way of determining gender, so no sex-linked traits (they do however show clever things like sex determination by incubation temp or water pH -- and parthenogenesis is WAYY cool, IMO).

I've had some great mentors online. One told me that there are very few fully completely dominant traits in chickens, almost all dominant ones are only partially (aka "incompletely") dominant. That sort of made everything "click". Partial dominance is fairly rare in plants and fish, but very common in chickens, and explains the vast array of phenotypes that pop up in the "barnyard mixes". We have some very beautiful mutts running around the farm. I have been tempted to try to breed them to perpetuate their colors, but I know it is impossible to get them to breed true.

I wonder about the real genotype of these birds. If I understood their actual genetic makeup I might be able to come up with a recipe to re-create it. DNA analysis is moving fast, and I expect in my lifetime I will be able to take a DNA sample and have the exact genotype of a target bird, as well as all the strains I have at my disposal to breed from. Then making a recipe will be easy - there will probably be an app for that!

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