Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

We have 3 showings scheduled after being on the market for 24 hours. I may be homeless soon. Glad my chickens aren't out on the street!

Good luck Anne:

You might be back in the chicken game before you know it!!!
GM all:

Here's today's chook news:

1, my sick girl decided to roost instead of sleeping in the nestbox for the past three nights...she also came out of the coop this morning....guess she's feeling better
2, found three medium chocolate eggs in the coop this am....two were found under some pine shavings...good to see a new girl get her game on...!!! (at around 20wks too)
3,I have x5 ccl eggs in the bater....all candled well at day7, just candled again and some are totally dark around the air cell don't know if thats a blood ring or not, if so, only 2-3 are viable.....
Hi all i am back again, i have just been lurking and reading the post here. Update on my chicks they are now 15 weeks old and doing great. I wound up with two roosters,that i am going to rehome. Now i need a favor my girlfriend would like to peplace them with either 2 eastereggers or two cream legbars any ideas where i migjt find a couple of these about the same age as my chickens.
Thanks Tom
Hi all i am back again, i have just been lurking and reading the post here. Update on my chicks they are now 15 weeks old and doing great. I wound up with two roosters,that i am going to rehome. Now i need a favor my girlfriend would like to peplace them with either 2 eastereggers or two cream legbars any ideas where i migjt find a couple of these about the same age as my chickens.
Thanks Tom


I think Auro and DH have some...I might also be setting some in the near future ( I set my first 5 as a test)...Go CCL or Americuana (sp) they'd be full blooded, you might want to breed them two cents....
Well this is an unusual year for me....I have a plethora of baby rabbits running around and chipmunks have moved in..(think the foxes have moved on), while I like the rabbiits, I need to get rid of the chipmunks before they overrun things...any ideals to 'chase' them off???

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