Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well this is an unusual year for me....I have a plethora of baby rabbits running around and chipmunks have moved in..(think the foxes have moved on), while I like the rabbiits, I need to get rid of the chipmunks before they overrun things...any ideals to 'chase' them off???
I have the same problem with the 'munks. I would shoot them but they never hold still long enough. So I haven't found a solution............yet.
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I think Auro and DH have some...I might also be setting some in the near future ( I set my first 5 as a test)...Go CCL or Americuana (sp) they'd be full blooded, you might want to breed them two cents....
Thanks Red .....we have no interest on breeding our own just happens,that,the two chicks she rrally liked as babies have both turned out to be roosters i told her to pick what she wanted and i would try and find them for her. She likes those two breeds but any good looking blue egger would prolly work.
Good luck Anne:

You might be back in the chicken game before you know it!!!

I just might, 6 showings now and one offer!

She is still in the game, she's just playing this round "virtually".

Hey Anne, if you miss it too much, you can come and help me clean coops and gather eggs sometime . . .

Agreed. I just might, I can't be home anyways! :lol:

:lau I think she just might!

X2 :oops:

GM all:

Here's today's chook news:

1, my sick girl decided to roost instead of sleeping in the nestbox for the past three nights...she also came out of the coop this morning....guess she's feeling better
2, found three medium chocolate eggs in the coop this am....two were  found under some pine shavings...good to see a new girl get her game on...!!! (at around 20wks too)
3,I have x5 ccl eggs in the bater....all candled well at day7, just candled again and some are totally dark around the air cell don't know if thats a blood ring or not, if so, only 2-3 are viable.....

Hope she has turned the corner! Roosting is a good sign.

Well this is an unusual year for me....I have a plethora of baby rabbits running around and chipmunks have moved in..(think the foxes have moved on), while I like the rabbiits, I need to get rid of the chipmunks before they overrun things...any ideals to 'chase' them off???

I feel like I've seen a large amount of bunnies recently too. Maybe because we had a warm winter?
GM all:

Here's today's chook news:

1, my sick girl decided to roost instead of sleeping in the nestbox for the past three nights...she also came out of the coop this morning....guess she's feeling better
2, found three medium chocolate eggs in the coop this am....two were  found under some pine shavings...good to see a new girl get her game on...!!! (at around 20wks too)
3,I have x5 ccl eggs in the bater....all candled well at day7, just candled again and some are totally dark around the air cell don't know if thats a blood ring or not, if so, only 2-3 are viable.....

In my experience, blood rings happen in the first seven days.
Thanks Red .....we have no interest on breeding our own just happens,that,the two chicks she rrally liked as babies have both turned out to be roosters i told her to pick what she wanted and i would try and find them for her. She likes those two breeds but any good looking blue egger would prolly work.

There is a user on here (hasn't posted in a long time) who has EEs southwest of Pittsburgh. ... she is 'oletymer' I traded her 2 EE cockerels for a dozen leghorn eggs a couple of years ago when a friend of mine wanted leghorns.
I know she hasn't been on in a long time but you could try sending a PM , she may get an email notification about it.
There is a user on here (hasn't posted in a long time) who has EEs southwest of Pittsburgh. ... she is 'oletymer' I traded her 2 EE cockerels for a dozen leghorn eggs a couple of years ago when a friend of mine wanted leghorns.
I know she hasn't been on in a long time but you could try sending a PM , she may get an email notification about it.
thanks Fisherlady i will try that....
I figured this was going to be abou an impossible task, but some how i will find two blue egg layers.
Was away for a week and had a friend do our chicken keeping. Arrived home last night and when I checked the chickens this morning, found one of the girls with a problem. Really needing your help to know what to do and what's going on with her. She keeps pumping her tail and her vent is moving up and down, but was covered with droppings. Her vent seems protruded and very red as well. Sat her in a dishpan of warm water to clean her up and figure out what is going on. I'm not sure, but it seems like I can maybe feel an egg right at her vent, but she can't pass it. I massaged her vent in water, but there is no opening for an egg to pass and it seems like the vent/cloaca is pushed out and extended very far.

Prolapsed Uterus?
Something else?

Would appreciate your quick help asap!!
headed back out to massage her vent area again in warm water and hope for something to relieve her.

Oh, forgot to mention that she seems bright and normal, besides the tail pumping and irritation about being separated. She's walking around, making chicken noises, etc.

pics to help:

Yes, that is a prolapse. Gosh, my mind is going blank on what you are supposed to do. Push it back in (gently) but other than that and warm baths, I can't remember!
Good luck!

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