Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Does she look egg bound as well as prolapsed? 

Just not sure which ailment to treat first . . . 

Don't use any ointments with pain relievers ....generally anything with the name 'caine' in it would be harmful to chickens, lidocaine is a common surface anesthetic but the same basic stuff goes by different brand names.

We had a young hen with the same thing.
We soaked her in warm baths, deep enough her vent remained submerged, then we would put some triple antibiotic ointment on the protrusion and gently push it back in and apply hemorrhoid cream around the outside and slightly inside.

I think you should find a thread on egg bound also, I think they suggest crushing up a tums and giving it to the bird to give them a high dose of calcium to help them lay but I never had to do it and it's been a while since I found it doing research.

And BTW, our pullet made a complete recovery and went on to lay eggs without any more problems. Sometimes a prolapse can recur but we were lucky and hers never did.
Don't use any ointments with pain relievers ....generally anything with the name 'caine' in it would be harmful to chickens, lidocaine is a common surface anesthetic but the same basic stuff goes by different brand names.

We had a young hen with the same thing.
We soaked her in warm baths, deep enough her vent remained submerged, then we would put some triple antibiotic ointment on the protrusion and gently push it back in and apply hemorrhoid cream around the outside and slightly inside.

I think you should find a thread on egg bound also, I think they suggest crushing up a tums and giving it to the bird to give them a high dose of calcium to help them lay but I never had to do it and it's been a while since I found it doing research.

And BTW, our pullet made a complete recovery and went on to lay eggs without any more problems. Sometimes a prolapse can recur but we were lucky and hers never did.
Thank you. The info is very helpful and encouraging to hear your positive outcome. Will try to help this girl out!
Should I keep her separated from the rest of the flock?
Yes, that is a prolapse. Gosh, my mind is going blank on what you are supposed to do. Push it back in (gently) but other than that and warm baths, I can't remember!
Good luck!
Whut up girl?

Oh no. :(
I feel so bad. She looks so sore. Should it be feeling kinda firm like there could be an egg in there?
Can it be fixed or should she be culled now?
I just lost a bird like that but they can be saved.
You have to get your finger in there to know for sure.
It is a lot more common with POL pullets.

How old is she?

I would definitely try to help her.
Being egg bound is a possibility. Poor thing. Massages and warm baths...
Do they have calcium/layer feed? A lack of calcium can cause these problems.

Warm bath will relax them and sometimes they can pass the egg. It could just be prolapse though.
If there's no egg

They are on layer feed which should supply enough calcium, i thought. I have put in free choice oyster shell before but they rarely seem to touch it so didn't continue.

Thanks for trying to help.
Chickens shouldn't get me all worked up like this!
The oyster shell should be in a separate container. They won't eat much. Keep in mind, 6 grams of calcium are needed for each egg shell built. If a bird is laying 1 egg a week will need significantly less than a bird laying an egg a day.
Yeah, but they still get us worked up.


I think any type of ointment with a pain reliever in it is not a good idea.

Does she look egg bound as well as prolapsed?

Just not sure which ailment to treat first . . .
I would check for an egg. Get it softened up with some Neosporin or even vegetable oil if you have any. Stick your finger up there and feel for an egg. That would take a different approach.

Don't use any ointments with pain relievers ....generally anything with the name 'caine' in it would be harmful to chickens, lidocaine is a common surface anesthetic but the same basic stuff goes by different brand names.

We had a young hen with the same thing.
We soaked her in warm baths, deep enough her vent remained submerged, then we would put some triple antibiotic ointment on the protrusion and gently push it back in and apply hemorrhoid cream around the outside and slightly inside.

I think you should find a thread on egg bound also, I think they suggest crushing up a tums and giving it to the bird to give them a high dose of calcium to help them lay but I never had to do it and it's been a while since I found it doing research.

And BTW, our pullet made a complete recovery and went on to lay eggs without any more problems. Sometimes a prolapse can recur but we were lucky and hers never did.

For prolapse, you have to keep pushing it back in.
I would also try to get her to stop ovulating till the prolapse is healed.
Put her in a dark space only giving her about 6 hours of light a day and limit her food intake. Make sure she has ventilation and plenty of water. Vitamins and electrolytes in the water won't hurt.

If you're so inclined, a vet may be able to give an injection of something to temporarily prevent ovulation.
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Ok, this may sound dumb, but even with the vent/cloacoa extended/protruded out really far there doesn't seem to be any opening?! There does feel like there could be some sort of mass like an egg. It seems firm, but maybe that's just from swelling?

Quote: 22 weeks, POL

Thanks for your help!
If she has been eating layer feed, her body calcium level should be sufficient.
Ok, so no TUMS to help if she is eggbound? Will just go work on the prolapse and keep ya'll posted. Thanks for all the help!!!

Will be back with pics of our finished hoop coop that the girls are enjoying and some of the colorful egg basket from the girls who finally started laying. It's not all doom and gloom around here! :)

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