Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Maybe one day I'll ask for some of your SPR eggs to be shipped out... ;)

Aw, that's great!  We all remember Gracie, she has a reputation!  I couldn't believe my BSL had such a naked chest when I lifted her up.  I think she will be an excellent Mama.  I wonder if Rusty will be a good supervisor.  He is always calling the girls over when there are treats, and warning them of any danger.  Anytime he sees the dog (who is very well behaved and couldn't give a fig about the chickens), he alerts the girls.

Wow, that's awesome.   Just quit your day job!  You don't need to pay your mortgage, haha.  That does sound reasonable.  I have been asking for $3 a dozen for the eggs and nobody has had any qualms about it.  I even included a turkey egg for one customer, who thought that was awesome.  He later told me it was a bargain, as he looked it up online and saw that turkey eggs often sell for $2-3 a piece.

If the chicken train is heading your way give me about 2 weeks notice and I will hook you up with eggs as long as our fertility holds out.

Yes, Gracie has been one of our best broodies, she hatches year round and really seems her happiest when she has a brood to tend. She is slowing slightly with age, I think she has actually been nearly 2 months since she gave up her last bunch and normally she only goes 4 or 5 weeks. I am actually glad she is giving herself a break though.

Sounds like your BSL is determined, she will be good from what you have described. Remember...BSL are basically a mutt, just that the parents are chosen from purebredcstock with the right color genetics...sometimes the parent stock can be a breed that still has some genetic tendancies to brood still buried in their heads, so don't discount them as broodies! Some families of Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Reds are still broody prone and I believe both are used in some SL crosses. I don't follow all of the SL genetic issues but keep in mind that breed line or family tendancies can show up.
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Sounds like your BSL is determined, she will be good from what you have described. Remember...BSL are basically a mutt, just that the parents are chosen from purebredcstock with the right color genetics...sometimes the parent stock can be a breed that still has some genetic tendancies to brood still buried in their heads, so don't discount them as broodies! Some families of Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Reds are still broody prone and I believe both are used in some SL crosses. I don't follow all of the SL genetic issues but keep in mind that breed line or family tendancies can show up.
Her BSL is from me, so I know the exact parentage, and neither parent breed (black Am X Cali Grey) was excessively broody, I had a black Am hen go broody last year, but she was easy to break, I just moved her to a different pen (with lots of eggs and nestboxes) and she gave up and went back to laying. No California Grey has ever gone broody in my pens, but then I just don't get many broodies at all. I suspect there are elements of our husbandry practices that differ enough to give you a lot of broodies and me, very few. The bantam pen is broody more than not, but only a few barnyard mixes in our laying flock ever go broody with any regularity. None of my Marans ever went broody either, and they should have, at least in their second year.

Seems like Anne has your knack for broody keeping -- and she's not unhappy about that. I might be sending peafowl eggs to her to hatch under her squadron of broodies this year, if they don't start hatching better in the incubators.

Challenge accepted!
Hi! I like every bird to be different so a have an Easter Egger (Delaware/Ameraucauna mix that lays light olive eggs), Barred Rock, RRR, Production Red, and a tiny bantam that no one seems to know what she is, but she is beautiful and an incredible mama! I also have six roosters! A few photos for all:

My with some of my birds:

My original coop! (before the addition of two rooster suites (8x4 runs each with its own coop) on this side.

Some of the flock in the front yard.

My Lucy Lou, power layer!

[COLOR=0000FF]Okay, now I've seen it all.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]@Lelanae, I can't believe we still haven't met. I'll bet we pass by each other at the Giant or the Wawa.[/COLOR]
We probably have passed each other and not known it! Although, I don't get out much these days--my mom needs watching 24/7.
Well then, please let me know if I can help. I would be happy to run to the Giant for you or stop by with some coffee if you just need to come up for air. . It's interesting how life turns the tables on us. We watch over our children and then, God willing, they watch over us.
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just trying to catch up here... I see there have been a few mentions of the chicken train. Not sure exactly what my winter/spring looks like for travel at this point. I do have a trip planned for the second week of March, but hubs will be along so I may be able to transport eggs, but probably not birds. Most definitely making a trip on Easter weekend that will just be the girls and I so we can load up a full chicken train then. There are some other possible trips pending as well, but I'm not sure on those yet.
I am in S. Lanc. Cty. I am wondering if anyone will be getting chicks in July and would like to order a few for us. It is just DH and I at home so I would only like 4-6 chicks.
I will be hatching chicks until sometime in September. Every week. You can get as few as you like, most breeds I can sex accurately and I'm probably about an hour's drive from you.
Check out my website. There is a signup for a weekly email about what chicks hatch each week, or just message or email me when you are ready for chicks.

email: [email protected]

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