Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I am in S. Lanc. Cty. I am wondering if anyone will be getting chicks in July and would like to order a few for us.  It is just DH and I at home so I would only like 4-6 chicks.

Welcome to the Pa thread! Bucks county here. Dheltzel has very nice stock, I have many of his birds right now.

Aurora!! DH picked up stackable brooders today


Awesome! Lol

Ugh! My broody was on the wrong nest when I got home tonight. The only good thing is that the Silkie girl was sitting on her eggs instead, so hopefully they didn't cool down too much. The broody hadn't moved from that one nest in a week, hopefully she won't try it again. I got home about 9:30 tonight, so I don't know how long she was off the eggs. We'll just have to see how it goes. :barnie. I will be candling them on Friday to see what I can. I'm not even sure if the eggs I gave her from my turkey hen are fertile, so I guess I will find out very quickly. I was smart enough to label my girls eggs so that I can tell them apart. The Silkie is not broody, she just prefers to sleep in a nest now. Who knows!:rolleyes:
Welcome to the Pa thread! Bucks county here. Dheltzel has very nice stock, I have many of his birds right now.
Ugh! My broody was on the wrong nest when I got home tonight. The only good thing is that the Silkie girl was sitting on her eggs instead, so hopefully they didn't cool down too much. The broody hadn't moved from that one nest in a week, hopefully she won't try it again. I got home about 9:30 tonight, so I don't know how long she was off the eggs. We'll just have to see how it goes. :barnie. I will be candling them on Friday to see what I can. I'm not even sure if the eggs I gave her from my turkey hen are fertile, so I guess I will find out very quickly. I was smart enough to label my girls eggs so that I can tell them apart. The Silkie is not broody, she just prefers to sleep in a nest now. Who knows!:rolleyes:

That drives me crazy with broodies, when they switch nests! Hopefully, they're all fine. Do you have an incubator that you could for up and throw a couple eggs in as a backup for her?
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Welcome to the Pa thread! Bucks county here. Dheltzel has very nice stock, I have many of his birds right now.
Ugh! My broody was on the wrong nest when I got home tonight. The only good thing is that the Silkie girl was sitting on her eggs instead, so hopefully they didn't cool down too much. The broody hadn't moved from that one nest in a week, hopefully she won't try it again. I got home about 9:30 tonight, so I don't know how long she was off the eggs. We'll just have to see how it goes. :barnie. I will be candling them on Friday to see what I can. I'm not even sure if the eggs I gave her from my turkey hen are fertile, so I guess I will find out very quickly. I was smart enough to label my girls eggs so that I can tell them apart. The Silkie is not broody, she just prefers to sleep in a nest now. Who knows!:rolleyes:

That drives me crazy with broodies, when they switch nests! Hopefully, they're all fine. Do you have an incubator that you could for up and throw a couple eggs in as a backup for her?

I'm borrowing one from a family member this weekend. It's a hovabator, I think. How do I use the darn thing? I've never done that before. :/
Aurora!! DH picked up stackable brooders today

LOL!!! SET ALL EGGS!!!! I started to buy them by the case from walmart online

My issue is space they take up, I want to build a 2x4 rack and install lamps on the end instead of top or use heating pads for heat.... and also do external hanging PVC feeders and quail waterers. Just havent got there yet!! This way I can put them in a downstairs closed area with the air purifier, the cheese cloth I used on the tops was useless for dust and dander.

Anne, one of PA peeps is quite well acquainted with incubating eggs and has written articles. Here's a link to a thread that has her articles in it-
Anne, one of PA peeps is quite well acquainted with incubating eggs and has written articles. Here's a link to a thread that has her articles in it-

Haha, I have heard of this lady before... Thanks!
No idea, I think it's probably still air. I'd like to hatch out some chicks for the broody (hopefully) to take also.

Quote: I'm borrowing one from a family member this weekend. It's a hovabator, I think. How do I use the darn thing? I've never done that before.

just tag me or you can give me a buzz if you need anything
its easy when you get the process set in yer head!
Thank you kindly! Your posts have been very helpful to me already!

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