Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I hate being at work while my broody might be hopping off the nest today.  I put some food and water in with her in the nest box.  I also put a waterer on the floor of the coop if she decides to get up.  When she does finally get off the nest, I have a large wire dog crate ready to put in the coop. 

She should be fine, just check on her when you get home. Did you only end up with two poults or did she hatch more? What colors did you end up with?
As far as I can tell, just two.
I'm not sure what went wrong. They both look gray and white, but its hard to tell, since it got colder, they are not out for visits yet. And she is still resolute about staying on the nest as of this morning.
Sounds like there may be a couple new stops on the chicken train this time! The way it usually works is that you figure out what you want from Dheltzel (or whoever else) and then let me know what you are getting and when/where we can meet up to drop off your goodies. I just need to know ahead of time so I can be sure I bring the right crates and have enough space. My Easter trip from east to west will be on April 17th... I take the turnpike to Pittsburgh and then head north to Beaver County, so we can arrange a stop along that route. Or if you're close enough to Beaver County, you can pick up from my house within the next day or two.
Thanks, @emorems0 ! That sounds wonderful! If you take 376 through the city then you will pass very close to me, and I'd love to meet you near here on the 17th if that's possible. I'm not sure which end of Beaver County you live in, but the Ambridge/Aliquippa end isn't too far from me, about 45 minutes, so I could also travel to you if need be. I really appreciate you running this chicken train!!

Pretty sure Mabel is Jaebels' mama. Rory is the other one from last year's hatch. I think I have the other eggs labeled correctly. I don't need to dye eggs for Easter! I still do want a truer blue layer and a dark dark brown also. Cate stopped laying again.

Lady Behir, that looks like a very dark olive egg from Jaebels! If Mabel is her mom, what is Jaebels' breed mix? Very neat!
I have a broody silkie with 8 eggs under her, she is a great momma, my question is 2 of the eggs are due to hatch 4 days before the other 6, should I take them inside until the others hatch?

You will need to either take the first 2 away once dry or plan to take the later eggs away and hatch them in an incubator and try to graft them back to her. Staggered hatches are notoriously difficult, though in my experience a silkie hen is a more cooperative broody for odd occurrences.
If you take the first two away I would suggest a mama brooder pad set up, or a heat plate set up for them, keeping it dark and warm may allow you to graft them back to her. If they get used to a heat lamp it may be more difficult for them to readjust back to the hen.
Here are todays pics of the new poults. Unfortunately, no other chicks hatched. I could tell Mama was trying to teach the little idiots how to eat. I dont think they understood so far. Hopefully they will get some water and food soon. Although I have no way of knowing if she showed them how to drink earlier today.


I keep having raccoons get into my run -Ms. Ladyhawk is suggesting a trail cam. I'd like some input on what kind. I stopped at Walmart and grabbed one, as it was labeled 'The Easiest to Use'.

A lot of the brands are good. We have a Moultrie that works well. One thing about having raccoons as a predator, they seem very easy to catch in a live trap. We've used tuna fish and cat food as bait and it works every time. The only think with a live trap is make sure you have one big enough. I've known people who had such big raccoons that they could go into the trap, eat the bait and their hind end sat on the door so it couldn't shut. A large raccoon size should be fine.

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