Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have 2 Buff Opaningtons and 2 Barred Rocks. They are just 2 weeks old and I am loving it. I think I am addicted.
Oh, I see them in your avatar now. Didn't realize they were represented there.

I have a group of chicks that are about 2 weeks old. 95 in that age group
* For anyone close to Chester County *

This Saturday, April 8th, Pughtown Agway is having a special "chick days". They are bringing in some breeds that they don't normally stock, in addition to all the breeds I hatch for them. I am planning to be there from about 11 to 2 to answer any questions and just "talk chickens". If you can make it out, please introduce yourself and remind me that you are in this group.
If you are interested in getting some Cream Legbars, this is a great time. I will bring lots to choose from, and a special discount on them for Saturday only.

Sounds like a fun event! Hope you have a good turnout! I'd stop and say hi but I'll be across the state in Uniontown at a show.
When I was nineteen, our dog was foaming at the mouth. We freaked out until we found he went into the bathtub to get bars of Yardley's English Lavender soap. When my mom asked our vet if this meant he had some sort of dietary deficiency , he said, "Yes... a soap deficiency!"

I would love some hints on dog training. My beautiful Percy learns very quickly--to do bad things behind my back!

Never let Percy out of your sight. Devote plenty of time to playing, and keep her(?) sharp on learned lessons.
There are dog puzzles that make the dog work for treats and food. In fact, I bought someone a food ball for their new puppy.
StarMark Bob-A-Lot Interactive Dog Toy, Small
Okay I need help... Any advice is greatly appreciated.

My GLW chick is still having labored breathing. Looks like it is gasping for air and smacking it's lips (beak). Makes gurgly/snoring noises. Sneezes. Crop is full. Normal poops. Drinking/eating okay. Behaving okay, pretty spunky actually.

I gave it a tiny drop of Tylan twice today. Gave it VetRx last night & this am. ACV is in the waterer. It's in a brooder with pine shavings. Was in a barn with other chicks & chickens (in adjacent pens), until I picked them up Sunday.

Do I just keep up the regiment & wait it out, like a cold?

I read several threads with similar issues but I guess just wanted my folks' opinion...

Hate watching this...
Don't let this sweet innocent face fool you. This little one got into the house today and into the brooder with the newly hatched chicks. I would not normally have chicks on the ground, but this hatch was so large I put them in a cardboard container on the floor with no top. Poor little things. There were approximately 48 chicks in there, most must have hid under the heat plate, because many were not harmed at all. I found at least a dozen scattered through out the house, not injured but soaking wet. He did kill 4 of them. As much as I think I'll get used to dealing with sick or dying animals, it does not happened. I've had a black cloud over me all day.

Aw, so sorry. It's tough to train them sometimes. Glad he only got a few.

So I rearranged the chickens last night to get the main coop girls back into the main coop from the turkey pen (where the Raccoon attack happened the night before). It involved a late night integration of a group of 4 and a group of three and a locked up coop in the morning. Two out of the group of three looked pretty hen pecked when I let them out this morning after school bus pick up. The SLW held her own though... there were a few spats between her and some of the main coop girls, but that's it. The other two girls didn't leave the coop for a while.

It did not take long for the main coop girls to take advantage of their favorite dusting spot. Winona (the SLW) was quick to follow. Five bathing beauties... it was like a chicken dust spa under there.

Romeo did perk up a bit and finally made some noise. He even got a crow out this afternoon. I haven't seen him really eat or drink on his own yet. I dipped his beak in some water a few times and he swallowed. He didn't touch the egg even with my encouragement. I sprinkled some crumble on it later and he was interested in the crumble. He ate a tiny bit as I held it in front of his beak. He seemed off balance when he tried to lean over to eat more once I set it on the ground and then he stopped trying even after I raised the bowl. He definitely seems to be in less pain today and the return of his noise making is really encouraging. I'm going to try and hand feed/water him tonight after I close up the main coop.

Love the dustbathers! I let my broody out her broody box today and she took the chicks right out and started to dust bathe very soon after. Smart girl.

Good evening all:

Howdy to the newbie's .....

Well, picked up x6 girls from pickeringvalley......they were marked down and about x3GLW and x3BO....if anybody nearby has anything to barter for a couple, I have more than I need....I also have a trio of BCMs One year old from DH...PM me if interested.....

Sorry to hear Blarney....he's just too cute....

:frow. Hope you're feeling better Stake. I don't need any more right now, but good luck with them.

The bantam Langshan hens are good broodies and have great personalities. They are laying like crazy right now if anyone else wants eggs. I also have a limited amount of large fowl Langshan eggs too. I'll probably have chicks of both available in about 3 weeks, lol if anyone wants to give this cool breed a try.
Anne let me know when you candle how things are developing. :)

Those girls were the best broodies! One of them hatched 12 out of 14 eggs! I did candle the eggs, one seemed to have a detached air cell, so I tossed it. It looks like I may have one blood ring or early quitter, but I put it back in just to be sure. The others all seem to be developing. I will keep you updated. :lol:

For my two need to pull a few of your girls out of the flock and introduce your loner to them first....when those 3/4 are settled you can introduce them all to the flock....adding a single to 20 chooks is not fair to the single bird who will be challenged by every other two cents.

I didn't think of that! 4 of the others are silkies and very docile, the rest are large fowl, should I choose the silkies, or more docile large girls?

Silkies are usually a better choice, but not always. My one Silkie girl goes after our docile Bielefelder chicken once in a while. The Biele is probably three times her size. :rolleyes:



my chickies first outing!

Aw so Cute! It's so nice when they finally learn how to play outside.

* For anyone close to Chester County *

This Saturday, April 8th, Pughtown Agway is having a special "chick days". They are bringing in some breeds that they don't normally stock, in addition to all the breeds I hatch for them. I am planning to be there from about 11 to 2 to answer any questions and just "talk chickens". If you can make it out, please introduce yourself and remind me that you are in this group.
If you are interested in getting some Cream Legbars, this is a great time. I will bring lots to choose from, and a special discount on them for Saturday only.

Sounds like fun, but I'm well stocked now with the new ones coming in the summer. Hope the event goes well and you can reduce your inventory!

Okay I need help... Any advice is greatly appreciated.

My GLW chick is still having labored breathing. Looks like it is gasping for air and smacking it's lips (beak). Makes gurgly/snoring noises. Sneezes. Crop is full. Normal poops. Drinking/eating okay. Behaving okay, pretty spunky actually.

I gave it a tiny drop of Tylan twice today. Gave it VetRx last night & this am. ACV is in the waterer. It's in a brooder with pine shavings. Was in a barn with other chicks & chickens (in adjacent pens), until I picked them up Sunday.

Do I just keep up the regiment & wait it out, like a cold?

I read several threads with similar issues but I guess just wanted my folks' opinion...

Hate watching this...

So sorry you're dealing with this. If he doesn't seem distressed, I would say wait it out a few days. If he seems to be suffering, you may have to make a hard call.
So sorry you're dealing with this. If he doesn't seem distressed, I would say wait it out a few days. If he seems to be suffering, you may have to make a hard call.

@AnneInTheBurbs Thank you for taking the time to advise. I didn't have any illnesses with my first chicks last year, so I'm new at having a sick chick. Hopefully it pulls through.
I have Tina a KC in the house tonight. When I went to lock up ducks she was missing. Im still cleaning up yard from previous owners and in the tall grass there was apparently some old mesh fencing I think. She was wrapped up really bad. Got her out, brought her in and physically shes fine. But it was raining and she was like waterlogged. Her feathers were so wet and messed up I can see her skin. Leaving her in till am because its cold and I wasn't sure if she'd be warm like that. She is also foaming in one eye pretty bad now. I know it wasn't like that today because I checked all the ducks for it. Im not sure if I kept her inside for nothing. Its been hours and shes still super wet. I mean I know she's a duck but ber feathers looked too wet.... is that a thing lol.

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