Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I really don't want to count lol. Not keeping all of them. Most are already spoken for lol. I just like babies and have time to raise them. I've actually been talking a lot of first timers into getting them at work. Apparently I talk about chickens a lot lol.
Wow you must have gotten lucky with the customers from your work. I have tried to sell our eggs but I get so many people that won't eat them... because they came out of a chicken's butt instead from a store. What? Ugh. And nobody understands my obsession with chickens, except everyone here on BYC. So thankful for this website!
Well, we had to butcher our head tom, Adam, this morning. It's been a long time coming. This year he'd gotten steadily more aggressive and every night, putting the birds to bed, he was violent, chasing Romeo and getting to attack the younger turkeys in the seperation pen. He would charge me every night and I couldn't go in without a stick to protect myself. I'm not sure that he realized that he was volunteering for Thanksgiving dinner this year. He'll make a great family meal. He dressed out at 20 lbs.

The turkey coop is now very calm and relaxed. Romeo isn't sure what to do, now that he's in charge. He seems very confused. I was able to let the young turkeys out to join the rest of the flock. They only had to deal with a little harassment from the hens and a threat or two from Pebbles on her nest and that was it. Everyone seems very content tonight.
Wow you must have gotten lucky with the customers from your work. I have tried to sell our eggs but I get so many people that won't eat them... because they came out of a chicken's butt instead from a store. What? Ugh. And nobody understands my obsession with chickens, except everyone here on BYC. So thankful for this website!

I gave away duck eggs whenever I got them till the last month or so so people could try them and now I'm selling them for $5 a dozen every week. And I have the same people come in for chicken eggs every Sunday. I sell coasters I make at the Waterford flee market every week in summer and I can sell them there too. I won't bring my birds there but I plan on putting up pics and handing out cards. It started up again last week and I'm not quite ready but definitely caught the bug again to sell.
Well, we had to butcher our head tom, Adam, this morning. It's been a long time coming. This year he'd gotten steadily more aggressive and every night, putting the birds to bed, he was violent, chasing Romeo and getting to attack the younger turkeys in the seperation pen. He would charge me every night and I couldn't go in without a stick to protect myself. I'm not sure that he realized that he was volunteering for Thanksgiving dinner this year. He'll make a great family meal. He dressed out at 20 lbs.

The turkey coop is now very calm and relaxed. Romeo isn't sure what to do, now that he's in charge. He seems very confused. I was able to let the young turkeys out to join the rest of the flock. They only had to deal with a little harassment from the hens and a threat or two from Pebbles on her nest and that was it. Everyone seems very content tonight.

How does it go with Turkeys? I'm getting all straight run. Can you have more then one tom or no?
I gave away duck eggs whenever I got them till the last month or so so people could try them and now I'm selling them for $5 a dozen every week. And I have the same people come in for chicken eggs every Sunday. I sell coasters I make at the Waterford flee market every week in summer and I can sell them there too. I won't bring my birds there but I plan on putting up pics and handing out cards. It started up again last week and I'm not quite ready but definitely caught the bug again to sell.
Wow that's good for you. I can't wait to make some extra money someday. Only sale I've had this year was $5 for 2.5 dozen eggs. Ugh not close enough for all the chick feed I need. Oh well, they're pets, I can't expect to make a big profit off of them.
bucks county pa. i need help w my cayugas fighting and im nrw i dont know how to post

Hello there, I'm right in your neck of the woods in Upper Bucks County, Unfortunately, I don't know a thing about ducks. There are forums for other poultry if you look though the forum tab at the top of the screen. Those people would definitely know how to help you.

I almost forgot! My Royal purple guineas are shipping out June 25th! Was hoping to get a little earlier but I'll take what I can get. The are coming with 3 blue turkeys, 3 of the white Palm turkeys, and I really shouldn't have but I have 3 silver laced polishe coming as well. We have two Narragansett turkeys a friend is hatching for us do to hatch this week and then he is going to incubate some of my frizzled Bantam eggs! And all 3 Muscovy are totally brooding. Picked some silly spots. Andromida is at the other side of property in an old unused barn
She's pretty much right under Stetson lol.
And Saturn decided to take a corner of chicken coop although I can't figure out when she decided to go there. Had never been in coop before. And one of my Bantams went broody too! Was so focused on Saturn I didnt notice freckle had been in same basket for two days. Dropped all the Banty eggs I collected today next to her and she scooped them up! First time and I get 4!!

It is the broody time of year! Good luck with them all!

Well, we had to butcher our head tom, Adam, this morning. It's been a long time coming. This year he'd gotten steadily more aggressive and every night, putting the birds to bed, he was violent, chasing Romeo and getting to attack the younger turkeys in the seperation pen. He would charge me every night and I couldn't go in without a stick to protect myself. I'm not sure that he realized that he was volunteering for Thanksgiving dinner this year. He'll make a great family meal. He dressed out at 20 lbs.

The turkey coop is now very calm and relaxed. Romeo isn't sure what to do, now that he's in charge. He seems very confused. I was able to let the young turkeys out to join the rest of the flock. They only had to deal with a little harassment from the hens and a threat or two from Pebbles on her nest and that was it. Everyone seems very content tonight.

Sorry you had to remove him suddenly, but I'm glad it was for the best. uestion about that. I understand using a kill cone for a chick n, but how does one hold down a 20lb turkey to butcher? I doubt I could do it by myself.
Welcome! I'm not too far from you in western beaver county. It's a shame you just missed the 'chicken train'... we could have filled your coop with all kinds of poultry :) For your future chicken math needs, I occasionally travel to eastern PA to visit family and pick up and transport birds to and from many of our lovely PA folks here in this fine group of enablers
It really is a distribution problem. I have loads of chicks and (soon) ducklings. A customer is coming tomorrow to pick up about 160 and there are still too many left.
Any of you NPIP people know if I can get into trouble shipping chicks in state without NPIP certs ? I have been reluctant to do that, it's such a hassle dealing with the PO, but I might have to try it.

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