Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Delicious find. Fresh morels vary in price, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $75 per pound. I would recommend searing them in olive oil over high heat to brown them, then add minced shallots and/or garlic. Turn the heat down and add a generous pat of butter added towards the end.
 Delicious find.   Fresh morels vary in price, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $75 per pound.  I would recommend  searing them in olive oil over high heat to brown them, then add minced   shallots and/or garlic.  Turn the heat down and add a generous pat of butter added towards the end.

I am dying to try a morel. I wandered around the woods out back for a little bit today but no luck.
Sooooo my tiny wackos are starting to roost on their feeder! There's a whole line of them all comfy. Any ideas to get them to not roost on top of their food??

It is normal for them to start wanting to roost some where 'up'...make them a training roost 4-6 inches high out of scrap wood. Short pieces of 2x4 on their side for the ends with a piece of 2x4 laid flat across works well. Just screw it together...if they are in a cage or cardboard box you can run a broomstick or piece of 1x2 wood across the whole thing at a low height, just make sure the roost is slightly higher than the feeder.
@ Auroradream26 It may be getting a little late in the spring to find them now. Avoid any that are too soft and spongy. When you have a week of 50 degree nights and some rain, then morels should be coming. I found some around April 22-30. Sycamore, hickory, ash, and elm are four trees to focus on first. An old apple orchard can be a morel gold mine.

Beware the false morel, it is toxic and isn’t hollow.
  @ Auroradream26  It may be getting a little late in the spring to find them now.   Avoid any that are too soft and spongy.   When you have a week of 50 degree nights and some rain, then morels should be coming.  I found some around April 22-30.  Sycamore, hickory, ash, and elm are four trees  to focus on first.  An old apple orchard can be a morel gold mine.

 Beware the  false morel, it is toxic  and isn’t hollow.  

Thank you. I didn't go out looking when I first saw reports of them since we're up on the mountain tips and usualy a couple weeks behind everyone else. But then it just rained nonstop and I want going out in that lol. Someday I'll get to try one! I have learned about the false morel also ;)
Delicious find. Fresh morels vary in price, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $75 per pound. I would recommend searing them in olive oil over high heat to brown them, then add minced shallots and/or garlic. Turn the heat down and add a generous pat of butter added towards the end.

Cool, I will cook some up for the hubs and see how he likes them. He loves mushroom stuffs.
I'd mail some if I thought they'd make it!

@ Auroradream26 It may be getting a little late in the spring to find them now. Avoid any that are too soft and spongy. When you have a week of 50 degree nights and some rain, then morels should be coming. I found some around April 22-30. Sycamore, hickory, ash, and elm are four trees to focus on first. An old apple orchard can be a morel gold mine.

Beware the false morel, it is toxic and isn’t hollow.

Thanks for the tip. All of mine are hollow. And they did seem to appear very quickly.
I was taking pictures again lol

We got our free meaties today from the feed mill promotion. 45 of them! This should be an interesting adventure! I set them up in the screen porch in an old kiddie pool that doesn't hold water anymore, wrapped it with insulation and covered it with a tarp lol. They seem to be doing good :)

Sprinkles, just because.

Close up of his feathers

I ended up keeping this girl because she was just the odd man out and didn't get sold with her age group. Now I'm watching her close. She looks like she's going to be a fantastic girl!

This was the little splash silkie that hatched a while ago with the big spot on her head. I'm still curious if that spot meant anything lol (baby picture for reminder)

This is my keeper brooder. Anyone who ends up in here gets to grow up here though boys may not like their future, depending. It's not as crowded as it looks though. It's about 3 times the size of the picture, they just all crowded in one spot. The CCL boy in the back on the right is the one that Queenie (turkey) skinned on his first day alive. The stitches worked great and he healed up so well! He only has a couple random feathers facing the wrong way lol

Sunshine and Lollipop, getting so big! I'm almost certain that they are a pair since Sunshine is so much bigger..

My first group of CX joined the flock 2 days ago and for the first time, went out free ranging today. They've gotten more exercise today than they ever have. They will probably be sore tomorrow! I've decided that I'm going to see if I can keep any of them alive to breeding age so I can try to outcross them and make a sustainable meat bird of my own.

This is one of the girls. They are such sweet friendly things. She came over and layed down in front of me because I was petting her lol

All 5 CX just loving life!

My 3 keeper poults from this spring have officially integrated into the flock :)

So, a strange thing happened yesterday... Went to the coop after work and found this peculiar egg...

I believe a robin came in the coop and laid an egg!
I was tempted to throw it in an incubator to see if I was right!

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