Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My toms all seem so full of themselves that they will display and gobble for anyone or anything. I'm not surprised he's assumed the guardianship of those chicks, I think he just likes someone to pay attention to him.
IDK which is more vain, the toms or the peacocks. They all look good though, so it's understandable.

Very interesting! He certainly is taken with them.

Pittsburgh peeps

Hello there! Welocme!
Sprinkles passed away in my arms 10 minutes ago. I'm heartbroken. Especially knowing that it was my fault that he got in to the condition he was in. I knew he wasn't happy about being out there and if I'd have taken time to make absolutely sure that he was eating and drinking, this never would've happened. I was so looking forward to seeing him grow up and he was such a sweetheart. He will be terribly missed.

So sorry he didn't make it. :hugs:hugs:hugs

So, hubs got the great idea to bring home several dozen pheasant eggs and an incubator from his friend's house a few weeks ago. I have no idea where he's planning on putting these birds (I think he thinks they can co-habitate with turkeys, but I'm doubtful). Anyway, I really hate the temperature adjustments on this incubator, I never know whether I'm turning it up or down, I just try and hope that I don't have to touch it at all. Well, the temp got down to 96 one day so hubs turned the thing a little so the light came on (meaning, the heat kicked on). The next day it was 104. I got it back down to 99 but I was not holding out much hope for these chicks that were supposed to hatch last Saturday. Saturday came and went with no sign of hatching. Sunday came and went, nothing.

Monday we started talking about how disappointed we were and then late at night we heard peeping. One chick started zipping and was hatched completely around midnight. So we had one bird, arranged to give it back to Hub's friend who also just hatched some. Tuesday night I peaked in the incubator and another started zipping! He didn't make much progress by morning though, so I chipped away at the shell and carefully clipped through the membrane. Very weak from working (unsuccessfully) all night, but is doing well now. Today... a full 4 days after hatch day, my daughter peeks in the incubator and exclaims that there is a THIRD chick in there - we never even saw it zip! It may have something weird going on with its bellybutton, but it seems to be doing okay. We've almost thrown these eggs away so many times in the last two days. So far we've gotten one chick per day... I'm wondering if we'll get another surprise tomorrow, lol.

*pictures later when I'm on my phone ;)

Well that's exciting!! Hopefully you have more! I had 10 hatch out of 14 in the past 2 days. The bator is still running because I have turkey eggs in there. I will leave the chicken eggs for a couple days and hope for a couple little miracles.
I'm having a hard time with this new set up. Hopefully I get used to it soon. We lost Ford the Thursday it was down. It was pretty tough. My other goat Stetson was a mess after so we got him a new friend. Seeing how a healthy little kid is makes me realize how sick he actually was. I think I should have put him down before it got that far but kept hoping he would get better. They are best buds already and I'm going to pick up a third today so we never end up with just one again.
I'm having a hard time with this new set up. Hopefully I get used to it soon. We lost Ford the Thursday it was down. It was pretty tough. My other goat Stetson was a mess after so we got him a new friend. Seeing how a healthy little kid is makes me realize how sick he actually was. I think I should have put him down before it got that far but kept hoping he would get better. They are best buds already and I'm going to pick up a third today so we never end up with just one again.
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These guys are so CUTE! When can I get goats!!?? Kepp posting pictures so I can show my husband! :smack
@Auroradream26 So I'm hoping that when your turkeys hatch :fl, I can sneak them underneath my broody turkey. Since the other one adopted the other turkey babies, I'm hoping she will be as willing. I will watch carefully though!

Good luck, and yes, watch VERY closely. I have one turkey hen that will adopt anything but the hen that I sold attacked and tried to kill what I gave her. Thankfully he healed up nice because he's growing up to be a pretty impressive looking boy so far.

View attachment 551020 View attachment 551018 I'm having a hard time with this new set up. Hopefully I get used to it soon. We lost Ford the Thursday it was down. It was pretty tough. My other goat Stetson was a mess after so we got him a new friend. Seeing how a healthy little kid is makes me realize how sick he actually was. I think I should have put him down before it got that far but kept hoping he would get better. They are best buds already and I'm going to pick up a third today so we never end up with just one again.
View attachment 551019

Aww, so cute! I'm sorry that you lost the other one though. Looks like you're going to have quite the herd!

I forgot to message you yesterday but the silkie eggs went out yesterday. Some are pretty old but I figured you could take the chance and try them anyway. They may surprise you. There are a couple mystery eggs in there but I couldn't tell if they were from my silkie, the showgirl, or one of the ayam cemani lol. You'll have to post pictures after hatch. We did this at a good time. I think my silkie just went broody lol. That would bring me up to 4 broodies sitting on nothing...
I just sold my first chicks!!! 4 Red sex link 6 week olds for 35!! So excited. And they might come back for Muscovy ducklings after seeing my boys. All of my flock came out to see the little girls and they got to pick them up and play with goats. Going to get new goat now and have more people coming for chicks tonight!
Good luck, and yes, watch VERY closely. I have one turkey hen that will adopt anything but the hen that I sold attacked and tried to kill what I gave her. Thankfully he healed up nice because he's growing up to be a pretty impressive looking boy so far.

Aww, so cute! I'm sorry that you lost the other one though. Looks like you're going to have quite the herd!

I forgot to message you yesterday but the silkie eggs went out yesterday. Some are pretty old but I figured you could take the chance and try them anyway. They may surprise you. There are a couple mystery eggs in there but I couldn't tell if they were from my silkie, the showgirl, or one of the ayam cemani lol. You'll have to post pictures after hatch. We did this at a good time. I think my silkie just went broody lol. That would bring me up to 4 broodies sitting on nothing...

I got them today! I tried to move one of my girls to a pen on the ground last week but it didnt go well so now I'm not sure if the few still under her will hatch. Shes moved now and happily sitting again but they got cold to touch. Going to put a few of yours under her and my other two. I have 5 broody ducks right now, the 3 Muscovy and 2 KC that are apparently co brooding. And 3 broody Bantams with another girl thinking about it. All the Bantams should be from the frizzled roo!

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