Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Okay guys, my Silkie is still hanging on, but barely. I don't think she ate at all today, and when I tried to pick her up tonight to examine her, she just barfed that clear yellowish liquid again. I think I need to put her down, but I just wish I knew what was wrong with her. She is still standing, but that is all. She is not walking around much or anything. I have kept her in the dog crate for a couple days, but I don't see any improvement today. I don't even know if I have a sharp enough knife. :hit
That's awesome. Is it just the one ducky?
Yup. I gave her two eggs. The other egg was a dud. She got rid of it after about a week.
Okay guys, my Silkie is still hanging on, but barely. I don't think she ate at all today, and when I tried to pick her up tonight to examine her, she just barfed that clear yellowish liquid again. I think I need to put her down, but I just wish I knew what was wrong with her. She is still standing, but that is all. She is not walking around much or anything. I have kept her in the dog crate for a couple days, but I don't see any improvement today. I don't even know if I have a sharp enough knife. :hit
:hugs Break her neck if you have to. Start with a knife. If it doesn't work, then you can quickly break her neck.
The wild turkey egg wasn't due till tomorrow but I candled tonight since my turkey eggs generally hatch a day early. It didn't look right so I opened it to check. It had pipped internally but then died. I was so excited for that little one :(

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