Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi everyone :)

Just popping into say hello to my fellow Pennsylvanians! Brand new goose mom attempting to figure out what I'm doing lol
The other egg is chirping like crazy. Do I have to make air hole because of bad humidity do you think?
Not unless you have reason to think it needs help.
Hey guys, need some help. 1st time ive had a chick hatch in my coop. my 1year old silkie became broody about a month ago. Of 7 eggs only one hatched last night/today. I went to check on it and it appears its head is twisted back and to rhe side. Is this normal, is she/he suffering. How can i help it. Of course i am working 3 -12 hour shifts for the weekend. So my time is limitted on how much i can do for it. But i couldn't live with myself if it is suffering. Please help.
As Auroradream said, Polyvitasol without iron.
Wow I would love to have some geese! How are they compared to a chicken or a duck? Don't they fly away with the others in the fall migration?

I'm not quite sure how they compare to a duck, but I used to have Bantams when I was a child and Merlin is much more attached and loving than they were! He's only a gosling right now, but already very well behaved. Noisy and needy, but well behaved xD If Merlin is a domestic goose, I feel like he won't fly away. We aren't truly sure what kind of breed he is as he was a rescue. AuroraDream26 attempted to help me figure out what breed he was, and I hope they're right that he's a Toulouse! He follows me around like I'm his mum though and it's precious!
Do i let her continue to sit on her nest and figure it out. She has no other eggs to hatch at thia point. Or shoukd i place her on the roosting bar with the other hens?
Well, out of the 9 original and 2 or 3 in time additions that she "acquired" plus the 3 late additions, how many do we think will actually hatch? I am thinking 5, my daughter is an optimist at 8. Tomorrow is due date. If the newer ones are viable but she's done setting, how can I keep them going? I do not have an incubator.

In other egg news, Jaebels laid 4 eggs in 3 days. Yesterday was a 2 egg day! Overachiever!
Sadly it died
I'm sorry. :hugs
Do i let her continue to sit on her nest and figure it out. She has no other eggs to hatch at thia point. Or shoukd i place her on the roosting bar with the other hens?
Break her. She isn't going to give up. Ask me how I know. :barnie
Well, out of the 9 original and 2 or 3 in time additions that she "acquired" plus the 3 late additions, how many do we think will actually hatch? I am thinking 5, my daughter is an optimist at 8. Tomorrow is due date. If the newer ones are viable but she's done setting, how can I keep them going? I do not have an incubator.

In other egg news, Jaebels laid 4 eggs in 3 days. Yesterday was a 2 egg day! Overachiever!
Every single one!
Hope for another broody.
Rig up a hatcher with a heat lamp and sponge. In a fishtank is best since it will hold the heat and moisture best.
Borrow an incubator.
Buy a cheap incubator. No turner. No fan.
I was out tonight getting more wood for the garden. Can't wait to finish it.

This is the one under heat lamp. It stopped chirping and moving. I made a little whole in shell in air sac. Its moving again... Hoping it'll be okay. The other one is doing great and looks grey.

I hope the one in the egg is okay. How is it doing now?

Sadly it died

:hugs I'm sorry. Poor hen. Put her on the roost.

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