Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Just like drugs, the first one is free! Haha, seriously though, just ask friends and family if they would like to try some. Is there a health food store or gym you could put up a small advertisement on a peg board? How about Craigslist?

Agreed! Samples are excellent to show people the difference. Health conscious people know the difference.

I asked yet again on facebook and someone knows someone that might want eggs? I'm baffled that there isn't a higher demand for farm fresh eggs! They are so much better and since my family has made the change, I don't ever see us buying eggs from a store again. I also want to start looking into local farms for our other meats so we know where the meat comes from and what kind of life the animal had.

So my little weak chick is still little, but she is doing fine. She is clearly the runt, and I will keep her for sure. I think Runt may be her name. You can see her in the middle of the pictures, how she is much smaller compared to the others. Also, you can tell by how her wing feathers have not come in yet. I wonder if she will have problems when she is an adult, or if she is just taking her time...

I don't see much of a difference. She's probably just taking her time! As long as she is eating well and keeping up with the others, I don't think you need to worry! :)

I pawn them off on all my family and neighbors. We don't sell them though. Even getting near a dozen a day, we have no trouble getting rid of them lol. I agree with what others have said. Give out samples and post on Craigslist or
That's hilarious :lau

We have 7 laying hens now and have 5 more hens that will be laying by fall. So we'll soon be getting a dozen a day. I had been giving the eggs away to family but those that will eat the eggs don't come around often enough. The rest won't eat "eggs that come out of a chicken's butt" :he
We have 7 laying hens now and have 5 more hens that will be laying by fall. So we'll soon be getting a dozen a day. I had been giving the eggs away to family but those that will eat the eggs don't come around often enough. The rest won't eat "eggs that come out of a chicken's butt"

Over the winter, the girls will slow down on their laying. If you get too many, you can scramble them (don't cook), pour them in ice cube trays to freeze them, then store them in Gallon ziplock bags to use over the winter. Or you can scramble them and cook them up and feed them back to the girls for a healthy snack :)
I don't know if its frowned upon @FluffyButt789 but I'm almost to the point of not having enough eggs for everyone that wants them from me. I have a pretty good spot to yack about my birds and I was handing out samples all winter so I have a pretty good demand for them. Might be able to find people for yours too in town?
Ana is losing babies left and right :/ This is the first time I've let her have more than just 1 or 2 and though she's a very good mother, I don't think she can handle more than a couple at a time. She's down to 3, out of a total of 8. The very first night, she lost 1, I forget how. 2 she managed to get to leave the coop with her but she went back in with the others and those two couldn't get back to her (it was too late when i found them). Last night, she lost 2 more. 1 got stuck in a hole in the milk crate she bedded down in, the other, I'm not sure what happened. She still has 3 happy, healthy little ones running around with her so we'll see how it goes. I'm so glad I gave her boys to raise though. Only 1 was a possible girl but that one was one that passed away last night.
Ana is losing babies left and right :/ This is the first time I've let her have more than just 1 or 2 and though she's a very good mother, I don't think she can handle more than a couple at a time. She's down to 3, out of a total of 8. The very first night, she lost 1, I forget how. 2 she managed to get to leave the coop with her but she went back in with the others and those two couldn't get back to her (it was too late when i found them). Last night, she lost 2 more. 1 got stuck in a hole in the milk crate she bedded down in, the other, I'm not sure what happened. She still has 3 happy, healthy little ones running around with her so we'll see how it goes. I'm so glad I gave her boys to raise though. Only 1 was a possible girl but that one was one that passed away last night.
I am sorry to hear that...the SPR don't seem as likely to go out and retrieve slow pokes as some of our other broodies...seems they are more the 'survival of the fittest' types. And there is just no way to watch constantly. We have one hen who does usually have a 'nest accident' at some point the first week or so of each brood and we find one dead from a positional thing. It is frustrating when it happens though.
That stinks. I'm kinda nervous for my Bantam girl finally taking her nine into coop eventually. After my first one lost I'm kinda paranoid. Is it normal for a mom to leave babies for 10 min ? My Muscovy left babies in creek and flew 1/8 mile away to eat and hang out with boys today. Their not even a week old.
Over the winter, the girls will slow down on their laying. If you get too many, you can scramble them (don't cook), pour them in ice cube trays to freeze them, then store them in Gallon ziplock bags to use over the winter. Or you can scramble them and cook them up and feed them back to the girls for a healthy snack :)

I'll eat the sorta dirty eggs, and if I get any very nasty eggs I cook those for the chickens. It's just crazy in the summer because the bedding is clean and dry (no mud) and the girls start laying every day, so the eggs are coming in faster than I can give away or sell. I'm sure we can eat what we get in the winter though. The summer is just going to be insane.

I don't know if its frowned upon @FluffyButt789 but I'm almost to the point of not having enough eggs for everyone that wants them from me. I have a pretty good spot to yack about my birds and I was handing out samples all winter so I have a pretty good demand for them. Might be able to find people for yours too in town?

I have a friend who knows someone who wants 3 dozen a week, so if that does not work out, I will let you know. Thank you for the offer! Lucky that you're able to sell your eggs so easily!
My babies :love
anyone in the pocono area willing to sell 1 or two baby chicks. It seems i can't break my broody silkie. I've tried the water technique and a broody cage but shes a stubborn little one....

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