Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I was working on Chicken Tractor improvements yesterday evening and a hawk swooped down and grabbed a bunch of feathers from our Blue Orpington. I was only 30ft away! Luckily she was fine, no blood and just some pulled feathers. It's a shame because now I can't let them out to range for a while.

It's the first time we've seen a hawk since the leaves covered the yard in Spring. I was hoping we wouldn't see any at least until the leaves fell off the trees. It's been so nice to let the flock out every morning for all day ranging. During Winter we only let them out for an hour at dusk while I work outside.
Our ducks are nearly 22 weeks and still not laying! When will the wait finally be over? In the meantime, we've attempted to foster a black kitten. She unfortunately turned out to be a little too emotionally-disturbed for a social life with other cats, so she's unfortunately gotta be re-homed again, but we're watching my grandmother's torbie cat and she seems to be adjusting much better already.

My sister put the Russian tortoises in the duck yard for a day of fresh air, but one mysteriously disappeared in two hour's time. We've searched high and low, found two small breaks in the 300ft fencing, but the odds are incredibly low of him finding them. And the ducks were not on high alert... so we're not really sure what exactly happened that day... but we're hoping he turns around and comes back.
Our ducks are nearly 22 weeks and still not laying! When will the wait finally be over? In the meantime, we've attempted to foster a black kitten. She unfortunately turned out to be a little too emotionally-disturbed for a social life with other cats, so she's unfortunately gotta be re-homed again, but we're watching my grandmother's torbie cat and she seems to be adjusting much better already.

My sister put the Russian tortoises in the duck yard for a day of fresh air, but one mysteriously disappeared in two hour's time. We've searched high and low, found two small breaks in the 300ft fencing, but the odds are incredibly low of him finding them. And the ducks were not on high alert... so we're not really sure what exactly happened that day... but we're hoping he turns around and comes back.

My pullets are almost 22 weeks and the wait is killing me!
I did see a cockerel mate with one today so that is good sign I guess!
Hi all!

I have been absent from BYC for a month or 2. It seems like life just keeps getting in the way and I keep plugging along.

The results of our spring chicks from TSC were not exactly like I hoped. Our 12 chicks produced 7 cockerels and 5 pullets. While waiting for them to fill out a bit before butchering the unwanted cockerels, there was a bit of a scuffle which resulted in a severely injured pullet the day before I left for vacation. The rest of the chickens pounced and tried to kill her as soon as she was injured. We ended up butchering her on the spot to end her suffering. That put me down to 4 pullets out of the dozen. Last straw was when one of my remaining pullets got snatched by a fox. So my results are less then what I wanted.
Our extras have been butchered and I am left with my 3 girls and a little fella who is happy to have them. Since they have been integrating into my existing flock for a few months now, I took steps to prepare for it all. We butchered one of our mean roosters but have kept the other because my husband (the one who says we shouldn't name the chickens and get attached) enjoys and is attached to the mean rooster who chases me!
All in all we now have 1 roo, 5 hens, 3 pullets and 1 cockerel (we actually have 2 cockerels, but one is on his way to the local animal auction in the next few weeks.) Our roo has such a high level of aggression and testosterone so I have plans to buy more hens in the next month to help satisfy him. My goal is 20 hens for the roo and cockerel. I am hoping that many hens is enough to keep the hens from being over mated. One of our hens is looking really spotty on her back. I tried a chicken saddle and she hated every second of it. My heart couldn't keep it on her when she looked so pathetic and uncomfortable.

Hope the end of summer is going well for you all!

You aren't the only one who had bad luck. When starting my flock, I got 12 chicks. 4 died young, the last 8 were 4 roos and 4 hens. 1 hen died after a year. We butchered 3 roos, and a year later butchered the last roo because he was MEAN. Now we have added more to our flock but still have to deal with losses and mean roosters.

I was working on Chicken Tractor improvements yesterday evening and a hawk swooped down and grabbed a bunch of feathers from our Blue Orpington. I was only 30ft away! Luckily she was fine, no blood and just some pulled feathers. It's a shame because now I can't let them out to range for a while.

It's the first time we've seen a hawk since the leaves covered the yard in Spring. I was hoping we wouldn't see any at least until the leaves fell off the trees. It's been so nice to let the flock out every morning for all day ranging. During Winter we only let them out for an hour at dusk while I work outside.

We have had a hawk stalking our chickens for a while now. We exclusively free-range them so there isn't an option to keep the chickens locked up. I just listen for when they get upset about something so I can go investigate. One morning I went outside because the chickens were freaking out. I watched them run in a line from the bush towards their coop. The last one was extremely upset and as I'm watching her run to the coop, the hawk swoops down right in front of me, towards her. I reacted and shouted HEY to scare it away. It sat in the tree for a long time watching me, and it is SO lucky I didn't have a gun. I picked up a rock and threw it at him. The chickens are still acting strange and hiding a lot now. I hate that hawk. It is actually a small one, sort of gray with black and white stripes, and about the size of my chickens.

And I am so scared I'm going to lose a chicken - either to a hawk - or to one a-hole driver that won't slow down for my chickens! He actually hit one of my girls but she seems ok. So sick of it. My chickens are my pets, just as loved as a dog or cat.
Hi all!

I have been absent from BYC for a month or 2. It seems like life just keeps getting in the way and I keep plugging along.

The results of our spring chicks from TSC were not exactly like I hoped. Our 12 chicks produced 7 cockerels and 5 pullets. While waiting for them to fill out a bit before butchering the unwanted cockerels, there was a bit of a scuffle which resulted in a severely injured pullet the day before I left for vacation. The rest of the chickens pounced and tried to kill her as soon as she was injured. We ended up butchering her on the spot to end her suffering. That put me down to 4 pullets out of the dozen. Last straw was when one of my remaining pullets got snatched by a fox. So my results are less then what I wanted.
Our extras have been butchered and I am left with my 3 girls and a little fella who is happy to have them. Since they have been integrating into my existing flock for a few months now, I took steps to prepare for it all. We butchered one of our mean roosters but have kept the other because my husband (the one who says we shouldn't name the chickens and get attached) enjoys and is attached to the mean rooster who chases me!
All in all we now have 1 roo, 5 hens, 3 pullets and 1 cockerel (we actually have 2 cockerels, but one is on his way to the local animal auction in the next few weeks.) Our roo has such a high level of aggression and testosterone so I have plans to buy more hens in the next month to help satisfy him. My goal is 20 hens for the roo and cockerel. I am hoping that many hens is enough to keep the hens from being over mated. One of our hens is looking really spotty on her back. I tried a chicken saddle and she hated every second of it. My heart couldn't keep it on her when she looked so pathetic and uncomfortable.

Hope the end of summer is going well for you all!

I don't know where you live, but I am in schuylkill county and willing to help, I have hens and pullets out the kazoo. Plus 2 more broodies!! I'd be willing to spare a few, send me a message if interested
We got our babies this morning!!! I don't think I slept half the night.


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Did anyone else get this from Purina? Looks like a good deal. I got 2 $5 off coupons. Should bring the price of a $50 bag down to $10. (2 coupons per person)


Dear Kie,

Thanks for signing up to participate in Purina's Flock Feed Greatness™ Challenge. This email contains all the materials you need to conduct the Challenge with your flock along with a feed coupon to get you started. Once you have printed your coupon, head to your Purina Retailer and discuss what feed is best for your flock to ensure a successful next 90 days.

Over the next 90 days, we will provide you with useful information and what to expect with your flock while on our feed. If for any reason you have questions, you have options! Contact our customer service line at 1-800-227-8941 or speak with your Purina Retailer. We are happy to help.
Oooh signing up if I still can. I have been meaning to ask the PA people what the best and most economical places are for feed? We didn't have enough chickens for it to matter before buttt with 18 +the a.hole rooster now... Organic preferred.
Did anyone else get this from Purina? Looks like a good deal. I got 2 $5 off coupons. Should bring the price of a $50 bag down to $10. (2 coupons per person)


Dear Kie,

Thanks for signing up to participate in Purina's Flock Feed Greatness™ Challenge. This email contains all the materials you need to conduct the Challenge with your flock along with a feed coupon to get you started. Once you have printed your coupon, head to your Purina Retailer and discuss what feed is best for your flock to ensure a successful next 90 days.

Over the next 90 days, we will provide you with useful information and what to expect with your flock while on our feed. If for any reason you have questions, you have options! Contact our customer service line at 1-800-227-8941 or speak with your Purina Retailer. We are happy to help.

My mistake. After printing I realised it's $5 off TWO 50lb bags, and you get 2 coupons. So I have to buy four 50lb bags to use up the coupons and get $10 off.
Any one else's hens doing weird things? Someone is laying soft shells/jello eggs and someone else has laid two ginormous eggs!!! My numbers have been down this week too.

Also my EE has finally given up being broody (YAY!!)... how long till she lays again? I'm hoping that some of the pullets will produce early. I'm bored with brown eggs. I really wish my leghorns didn't die. I'd like to replace my slackers with brown or Isabelle leghorns. I need more room!

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