Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I'm seriously considering doing some major flock reduction/rearranging. I think I may sell off my entire legbar flock :/ They're gorgeous birds and I'm happy with how well they lay but there's just no demand for them around here and anymore, we eat very few eggs. We have way too many birds at the moment. I'm thinking of switching to some other breeds. I have blue birchen marans hatching now, as well as English orpingtons and will be getting some blue laced red wyandotte eggs soon.

Sorry to hear this, that must be a tough decision to make. How many birds do you have? The demand around here for blue/green eggs is very high.

Anne! I love your repurposed coop. Also....please tell me you put those turkey eggs in an incubator. :fl

Haha, thanks. I did not put the eggs in the incubator, because I wasn’t sure how old they were. I also suspect they had frozen, sitting in the ground fairly exposed like that.

I had thought my turkey eggs were fertile, but after a week in the bator, I didn’t see anything. I met up with @dheltzel yesterday, and he advised I wait 12 days before tossing them, they can be hard to candle. So guess who’s firing up the incubator? :lol:
So I went to @dheltzel’s house of chicks yesterday. I was not disappointed! I was getting chicks for my broody, and my friends broody. “They’re not mine officer, they’re for a friend!” :lau

His broody accepted the chicks right away, she is an Ayam Cemani. The man I got them from, said they go broody and make good mothers. My broody also took all 11 chicks under her. This morning they were still safe and sound. I’m going to finish building the broody coop today, so she has a place to raise them in peace.

But I wake up this morning and it’s snowing! It’s supposed to be 47*! :hmm Guess coop building will have to wait for a couple of hours.
Sorry to hear this, that must be a tough decision to make. How many birds do you have? The demand around here for blue/green eggs is very high.

It was a very hard decision. People want blue egg layers but they just don't want the legbars. I have a list a mile long for people wanting lavender ameraucanas. Right now I have over 50 birds outside and at least 50, probably more chicks.

The legbars aren't the only ones that are going to go. My pair of Marans, all 5 RSL, and the brahma are going too. I just need to cut back drastically. I'll be doing some processing too, probably in the next week or two. I have an extra tom, a silkie roo and an extra lavender ameraucana roo that all need to go.
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I wish I could share a video of the ducks when they realized that their pool was there, and full. They were crazy excited. :lol:
Now if you knew what they put me through! :he:th
I had to get them out of the big coop first. They set off the roosters who set off the bantam pair. I had birds escaping everywhere! I caught the Lav Am pair, and most everyone is where they belong. A rooster is loose, but let’s face it. It’s a rooster. I don’t really care! :oops:
I had a milestone birthday 2 weekends ago and figured my chicken folks would get a kick out of some of the gifts - my family and friends know the way to my heart!


My lifelong friend got this for me because she knew how special my silkie Tiny was to me :')

Also I was observing my rooster and my GLW (I call her his girlfriend since they were raised together) as he was trying to show her where to lay since she has started laying again, but never laid eggs in a proper nest box - my older hens were not very welcoming and wouldn't let them inside the old coop. He was being so sweet and watched over her, I couldn't help but think I lucked out with the nicest rooster...

And then two mornings later he tried to mate with her and ripped off a point of her comb! It has healed and I know that is just part of their nature, but how rude! I'll still keep him though, that has been his only offense (so far).

My one hen is still being kind of broody, but not staying in the nest box for longer than an hour before she hops out. I've thought about getting her eggs, but I'm not sure if she'll actually stick to it. And I'm not confident we're totally prepared for hatched chicks yet. :confused:

Hope you all are well. 50 degrees-ish this week! :celebrate
I’ve got one blue and the rest Splash. I prefer the black and blue for showing. I have a ton of splash hatching if anyone is interested in some.
What color splash? How
We stopped in Washington PA on our way back from Arizona in November and I got two pretty pullets who were described as red "Splash." One was from a blue laced red breeding program. You can see a little lacing and she has the most gorgeous blue bottom--it looks like she is wearing a contrasting petticoat! The other is red with some black neck and tail markings. I always thought of "splash" as spotted like a Pinto horse? Am I wrong?
What color splash? How
We stopped in Washington PA on our way back from Arizona in November and I got two pretty pullets who were described as red "Splash." One was from a blue laced red breeding program. You can see a little lacing and she has the most gorgeous blue bottom--it looks like she is wearing a contrasting petticoat! The other is red with some black neck and tail markings. I always thought of "splash" as spotted like a Pinto horse? Am I wrong?
Splash only affects areas that would be black or blue on that breed. So, red splash is easy to to get. Sometimes splash also has significant leakage of blue or black as well.

Lavender is completely different. It also fades red, giving you "Isabelle" and similar muted coloration.

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