Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Do the neighbors have dogs? Do you or the neighbors have garbage cans left out? Do either of you have wild bird feeders that aren't kept cleaned up underneath?
Bears don't like confrontations, if you and/or your dogs are in the yard frequently the bears smell your signs, they don't smell size though... so even a 4 lb dog's urine can smell like a threat to them, it doesnt have to be a 100 lbs dog.
The more threat they smell and the less goodies they smell turns the threat vs reward ratio against them, especially if they are generally well fed and have 'safer' food sources elsewhere.
:hit I fell in the mud while doing chores. My knee is fine, my ankle is just sore, but my wrist really smarts!!

If you have an Ace bandage you should elevate (above heart level) and chill the wrist for about 20 minutes, then wrap it (but dont really stretch the Ace, just keep it snug enough to not wrinkle or slide).
The wrap is a bit of support and mostly to remind you not to use it.

Check distal circulation by pressing fingernail, it will blanch under pressure but should return to normal pink almost immediately when pressure is released. Numb or tingling fingers is an indication that the wrap is too tight or swelling is too extreme and interfering in circulation.
If it isn't feeling better in a day or so, or if swelling and pain get bad, You can probably get an xray at a local 'doc in a box' (my name for them) or express care, call ahead to see if they do xrays.
Grating sensation, loud clicking, deformity or circulatory compromise should be checked right away though.

Hope it feels better soon!
Do the neighbors have dogs? Do you or the neighbors have garbage cans left out? Do either of you have wild bird feeders that aren't kept cleaned up underneath?
Bears don't like confrontations, if you and/or your dogs are in the yard frequently the bears smell your signs, they don't smell size though... so even a 4 lb dog's urine can smell like a threat to them, it doesnt have to be a 100 lbs dog.
The more threat they smell and the less goodies they smell turns the threat vs reward ratio against them, especially if they are generally well fed and have 'safer' food sources elsewhere.

Everyone around here has dogs..hahaa..and most more than 1...
Thinking maybe it was more interested in what they had at that point..corn!
That is about the only thing we didn't have on our piece...peaches, apples, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries...veggies, on & on, but he wanted that golden manna..hahaha
The neighbors to our right has bird feeders...the bear did visit them, broke their fence. It must have just run straight through it..hahaha. They have 3 dogs, one being a Dane.
The neighbor across the street that was corn-robbed, they have 2 bird feeders that I know of.
We do not put out bird feeders for the sake of our poultry...not going to give wild birds more of a reason to be near them, possibly carrying infectious issues. Have learned a lot from the CPT training and their constant updating materials.
I would recommend taking the course for that learnt information don't have to do testing for shows & such, only if you are interested.
Gosh, the yard is so sloshy...had to change from muck-shoes to boots...:sick..
Finally stopped raining here, for now. The chickens have an I can just turn this stuff off or something..they are just as tired of it too.
I just realized that I had seen a pet (and human) eraser pad while I didn’t have a dog. It will come in handy!
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..if you get to use that, please let me know how it works, or doesn't.
Lil is 8 months, she is 99% potty good, but when she gets her scardey-cat on, sometimes she leaks:hmm...
I love those magic erasers, they are awesome with a 5 yr old and well, i make some pretty good messes too soo.....yeah:p

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