Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hello everyone Good Morning!
I hate christmas crouds too! I have everything for cookies but cannot make them, no sense either right. We wont be getting each other a christmas gift as its been tough two months money wise on us. Plus I used all my savings on my stepdaughters braces because her mother couldnt afford them. So it hits hard when you dont have anything left in the savings account ya know....
Sure stinks when you have financial difficulties, especially during the holidays. We've been pretty Blessed by doing OK this year. I figure try to enjoy it this year (we have a 4 year old) because you never know what next year will bring.

I am as ready as I will be I guess. Not into it, hate Christmas, its so NOT what it should be. I try to change it and no one seems to appreciate the work that goes into it so this year is working out just fine by me... Wait until the questions come about what time dinner is on Christmas day! HA!

Everyone just assumed I was doing the whole Christmas dinner thing this year. Funny though how no one ever really asked if I was cooking, just wanted to know when to be here.

Do you have any special things you do for Christmas? we do the tree of course and singing on the way and making a few hours out of hiking and picking just the right tree, we have/make advent calendars(spl), cookies, gingerbread houses (kits lol), we decorate the house and the coop, other than that not much else : (

I do about the same as you do as far as traditions. Tree, decorate, cookies; that's about all for us too.
i think I'm going to skip cards and cookies this year.

Arrrrgh! Heather! I'm going to see that ginormous incubator today, and part of me is like, 'WHAT are you thinking?'
My aunt apparently threw a hissy fit when she was told that the only ones making it to her house for Christmas dinner are going to be my mom, bro, and sil. My sis and bil are going to his parents. And I and my fiancee are staying here for the grandchildren.

I spent yesterday at a friends house baking Christmas cookies. Great way to get lots of cookies.

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