Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I really hate the 4th of July. The neighbors have been shooting off fireworks all day long. My animals are so stressed out right now. I went to put the birds away and my dogs were on the back deck, and the fireworks were going over my deck where my dogs were. My dog was so upset she almost went through the glass doors by jumping on them. I just hope they don't go into my koi pond. We have a blow up pool for our pond. If it gets a hole in it I will be so upset. Koi are very expensive and we have imported Japanese koi. I can't wait for this weekend to be over!!! My hubby and son need to be up at 3am for work tomorrow. With all this booming and screeching of fireworks going off I hope they can sleep. The ground is shaking from all the loud booms going off. I need to move away from all this crap!!!
Yeah, I never saw the appeal in the random explosions and colors either.
what beautiful and adorable goats! so awesome

I got up early this morning to check on my is truly amazing how this : put the younger ones on the lower roost bar at night ..............technique works..............

The older chickens were on the upper roost and in the morning seemed to not know what to do....................and the younger ones too..................all seemed surprised to wake up to their situation!

Finally the youngers went to the food bowl..............I thought this might cause a stir...............still no problems

Some posturing etc...........and grouping by age in the run................still pretty good...................then they separated a bit more with the younger ones taking shelter in the coop.................

so its a really interesting process to watch................unfortunately.............I was really tired as I went to sleep late and then got up early to prevent any potential chicken fights! so.......................I then put up my usual divider wall that separates the coop in 2 parts..........................and went in to go to sleep!

I think this technique shows it will work............but I feel I need to be around a bit longer to prevent any nasty injuries just to be sure................and I just couldnt stay to supervise longer this morning!

its looking possible now though...............stay tuned!

and geesh...........what we dont do for these birds! who woulda thought I would be doing this!
Hey guys, just got back from a camping trip in Northern OH. Drove through Mercer county and saw sooo many gorgeous farms, some of them had to belong to you guys!

On another note, I had arrangements to buy two call hens from someone that has repeatedly screwed me over. They were the only hens available and I'm desperate. Anywho, the person said they'd sell me the calls in late July-early August. A silver and a white hen, just what I wanted, and for cheap too. I told them I would NOT be at the swap this month because I'd be in Ohio (the swap was today). They messaged me on Twitter this morning that they had two call hens that they were bringing to the swap, but it was first come first serve and if I didn't get there fast they were selling them. Then about 20 minutes later they said that they sold them. Meanwhile, I couldn't even get the messages because I was out in the woods with no service. I was livid. A.) They specifically said I COULD HAVE THEM in late July or early August. and B.) They knew I'd be in Ohio!

So basically I got ducks that were already "mine" sold out from under me today when I was hours away and couldn't do anything about it. I've gotten screwed over many times by this person but this time I'm done.

That being said, I'm DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR CALL HENS. You guys don't even know how bad I want to get a few gorgeous hens and get revenge. I really need a white hen, but colors don't matter all that much to me. I have one of my good friends giving me some call eggs for my broody, and I'll keep the hens from those, but I want some sooner.

***If anyone knows any connections in Western PA or the surrounding area, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.*** There's nothing I want more than to get some awesome girls ASAP to be like "fine, I got what I needed without you, I don't need you anyways". I'm looking to spend at MOST 35 per hen.
Hey guys, just got back from a camping trip in Northern OH. Drove through Mercer county and saw sooo many gorgeous farms, some of them had to belong to you guys!

On another note, I had arrangements to buy two call hens from someone that has repeatedly screwed me over. They were the only hens available and I'm desperate. Anywho, the person said they'd sell me the calls in late July-early August. A silver and a white hen, just what I wanted, and for cheap too. I told them I would NOT be at the swap this month because I'd be in Ohio (the swap was today). They messaged me on Twitter this morning that they had two call hens that they were bringing to the swap, but it was first come first serve and if I didn't get there fast they were selling them. Then about 20 minutes later they said that they sold them. Meanwhile, I couldn't even get the messages because I was out in the woods with no service. I was livid. A.) They specifically said I COULD HAVE THEM in late July or early August. and B.) They knew I'd be in Ohio!

So basically I got ducks that were already "mine" sold out from under me today when I was hours away and couldn't do anything about it. I've gotten screwed over many times by this person but this time I'm done.

That being said, I'm DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR CALL HENS. You guys don't even know how bad I want to get a few gorgeous hens and get revenge. I really need a white hen, but colors don't matter all that much to me. I have one of my good friends giving me some call eggs for my broody, and I'll keep the hens from those, but I want some sooner.

***If anyone knows any connections in Western PA or the surrounding area, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.*** There's nothing I want more than to get some awesome girls ASAP to be like "fine, I got what I needed without you, I don't need you anyways". I'm looking to spend at MOST 35 per hen.

That was just nasty. I hope you find what you want.

Surprised the kiddos with a swingset today. Three very happy little people here tonight.

They are also totally infatuated with the new bunny. It seems very friendly and curious.

Now, if I could just get a few goats...and ducks...and...
I picked Romeo up today to carry him around as a show of dominance... he's been really upset with us since we 'locked up his girls' (they are in the chicken tractor instead of the coop & run, I think I mentioned this earlier). Anyway, while carrying him around I noticed little white bugs crawling on his face! GAH! So the girls have been battling lice and now he has mites? Are these mites? I'm guessing that my treatments for the girls' lice would also be helping eradicate any mites they might have, but the mites on Romeo's FACE... how do you deal with that? He looks totally fine otherwise, good poops, full and fluffy feathers, good skin color, etc. I never would have guessed it if I hadn't been holding him up close.

In other news, Peter Cottontail opened her eyes today :)
I picked Romeo up today to carry him around as a show of dominance... he's been really upset with us since we 'locked up his girls' (they are in the chicken tractor instead of the coop & run, I think I mentioned this earlier). Anyway, while carrying him around I noticed little white bugs crawling on his face! GAH! So the girls have been battling lice and now he has mites? Are these mites? I'm guessing that my treatments for the girls' lice would also be helping eradicate any mites they might have, but the mites on Romeo's FACE... how do you deal with that? He looks totally fine otherwise, good poops, full and fluffy feathers, good skin color, etc. I never would have guessed it if I hadn't been holding him up close.

In other news, Peter Cottontail opened her eyes today :)
Bless his heart he looks like he has it was only that easy....i hope you can get rid of them and Romeo was an apt name..he is very handsome!!

Peter looks great!!! Hope he grows up to be a great little cottontail!! :)
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I picked Romeo up today to carry him around as a show of dominance... he's been really upset with us since we 'locked up his girls' (they are in the chicken tractor instead of the coop & run, I think I mentioned this earlier). Anyway, while carrying him around I noticed little white bugs crawling on his face! GAH! So the girls have been battling lice and now he has mites? Are these mites? I'm guessing that my treatments for the girls' lice would also be helping eradicate any mites they might have, but the mites on Romeo's FACE... how do you deal with that? He looks totally fine otherwise, good poops, full and fluffy feathers, good skin color, etc. I never would have guessed it if I hadn't been holding him up close. In other news, Peter Cottontail opened her eyes today :)
Hooray for Peter! How is the mama doing with so many mouths to feed?

I'm formally known as chickencowranch. I changed my email address. I have old chickens and new chickens. I have two roosters One for each coop. My chickens areone red, one speckled Sussex, and one Silkie cross and some barnyard mixes. My new chickens are three golden comets, two Rhode islands red and three Americana. They are fun to have around. With egg prices I'm glad I have them. I've just heard the avian flu has hit Pa. My chickens free range. Nobody is touching my chickens.

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