People as predators!

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Aloha Moa

In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
I know I don't really belong on this board, because my chickens are feral and free-range, but I need to vent about what just happened.

BTW, I have one red junglefowl cock and four hens, two of the hens have successfully hatched clutches so we have two sets of chicks, about 4 and 6 weeks old, and a third hen is sitting on yet another clutch. They come when I call, and I feed them daily, so I consider them my chickens.

Just now I heard the chicken alarm, "BWAK-bwa-bwa-bwa BWAK..." so I went to investigate to see what the trouble was. Imagine my surprise when I see a guy, holding a rooster that looks just like mine, one acre over.

I said "Is that my rooster?" He said, "No, it's mine'. As I got closer I could see that this was definitely not my rooster - this one looked like it had been in a fight. He had the rooster leashed at the ankle. Turns out he's looking for a hen. I told him in no uncertain terms was he to take any of my hens or chicks. Yeesh - as if I'd let him breed one of my dear creatures for gaming. I can't believe my neighbor came over with a rooster to try to lure one of my hens away.

I know this is a non-argumentative board, and I like it that way. I don't mean to rant about people who raise game cocks. But having now met one, and seen his rooster, I am happy to be on a board where people actually care about their chickens.

I hope this doesn't upset anybody - I just needed to get this off my chest with people who probably would be as upset as me. If a mod needs to delete this, that's fine. I just appreciate being part of a community that doesn't condone such activities.
Of course you belong on this board--welcome. Everyone who loves and is interested in chickens belongs here. Take care of your feral chickens as best you can, and I hope you have no more trouble with this cruel and disgusting cock fighter.
Aloha Moa of course you belong here.
I love seeing pics and vids of your "wild ones". Rant all you want. I would be ticked off too.
I don't know, Aloha Moa, sounds like your chooks are pretty darned tame, and it's the neighbor that's feral. Well, now you know where its den is...

Take Care!
Aloha Moa, glad to hear you care. Keep the faith going and the lonely ones fed. It will make a difference for them and you! Thanks be to God, The compassionate, the merciful.

(Hugs everybody)
Thanks for your understanding.

I heard something funny right before dusk, and went out to explore.

The feral guy had urinated at the place where I last saw him! There was a pool of liquid and it smelled like urine. How gross.

I'm a little worried because the chickens didn't come when I called them, although it was getting a little late in the evening.

We'll see who shows up in the morning. If the rooster is gone, I'm calling the police
By the way, Ivan3, the rooster in your avatar looks exactly like mine (a red junglefowl), and also like the one the guy was holding today.
Aloha Moa, ole RooDawg only dreams of being a Red Jungle Fowl (he's just a `production' Red Sex Link roo with ambitions - getting his spurs `shortened' this weekend). He and his turkey tom buddies raise the alarm when anyone turns into the driveway. The Pit Bull/Cock fighting cohort around here are pretty much meth heads. They avoid this area of the county (everyone is armed and likes to sleep with the doors open) except to dump off 5gal. plastic buckets full of the last `cooks' spent chemicals.

Your `wild' flock is lucky to have you! Keep up the good work!

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