people harassing my chickens

Hi ChickenMorals,

i practically agree with everything that the other members are saying, But, i would like to outline some other dangers:

1. Chickens and stupid boys do not mix. Teenagers, (i'm assuming you are in high school), are known for the abuse of animals as they find it amusing.
2. Chickens can not digest human foods properly and they especially would not be able to digest junk foods like soda and Cheetos.
3. Chickens and roads do not mix! Chickens do not have the intelligence to notice that a car may possibly kill them!
4. If you can not get a padlock, i suggest that at lunchtime, you stay with the chickens, or within a close proximity to them to ensure that know one harms them.
5. If a group of teenagers are hitting the chickens with sticks, then that is actually animal cruelty, and can be taken up with the police if necessary.
I care for a flock of chickens at school. I love them dearly, but recently, a group of kids have been feeding them Mountain Dew and Cheetos, letting them wander in the road, and hitting them with sticks. I need to stop this behavior. I have talked to a teacher. Point of this post is, can this behavior cause sickness? They've been having diarrhea for a while. I'm furious at the kids! I'm considering putting a lock on their door, and I already put up a sign to not do this.
camera.. principle needs to suspend the little monsters. send them home with their parents for a little lesson on behaving and respecting other folks property.
I care for a flock of chickens at school. I love them dearly, but recently, a group of kids have been feeding them Mountain Dew and Cheetos, letting them wander in the road, and hitting them with sticks. I need to stop this behavior. I have talked to a teacher. Point of this post is, can this behavior cause sickness? They've been having diarrhea for a while. I'm furious at the kids! I'm considering putting a lock on their door, and I already put up a sign to not do this.
What is the story of how these birds came to be at the school?
Certainly there is some adult oversight?
High school....or.... middle school?
How long have the birds been there and how long has the problem been going on?
Sounds like the area needs to be more protected from casual interaction.
I see you're in MN, are the birds protected from the weather?
I would not do well if these were my chickens. I honestly would put up a camera, find which kids are doing this, go to their class room, and slap there hand with a freaking wooden ruler. :oops:
What are the teachers doing about it? Have you told them? I agree with the sign you put up... But many kids/teens will not listen to the sign. :(

I'd have an electric fence! With needles sticking outta it. :oops: (No offense to anybody and I would not do this.... ;)

Oh, and well said my fellow Mainer @lazy gardener. :highfive:

Personally I do agree with @aart's post. I am terribly sorry about your chickens. I'd honestly take them home after all this trouble. Best wishes. :hugs
UPDATE: We're working on setting up a camera. All staff has been spoken to, and all homerooms have gotten a stern talking-to. The door is padlocked, and there's a sign up. This makes me so frustrated :/
On the bright side, this winter we're going to try and raise money to expand the coop and get a better lock on the door!

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