Pepto Bismal for gosling ok?


Mar 4, 2019
Long story short
Gosling four days
On antibiotics now for URI
Stopped eating yesterday still drinking water she is pooping and drinking lots acting normal but not hungry. And is very lightly and I mean very lightly grazing. Vet said she is not sure about pepto bismol would work but can try to get her to eat and help tummy.

Need thoughts please and any advice.
I wouldn't. PB has a bunch of extra chemicals not suited for birds.
What antibiotics are you using? Milk of bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto Bismol, is not supposed to be given with tetracycline. I am not in favor of giving human mediciens to chickens without knowing that they are used commonly. A better solution for diarrhea is to give an ounce of cottage cheese daily for a few days. It helps humans with diarrhea and has probiotics. A little chopped apple (not applesauce or applejuice) would add pectin which would help. Respiratory diseases and antibiotics can cause runny stools.

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