Percentage in Spaldings


Nov 25, 2021
San Angelo, TX
Hello again,
I'm trying to learn about Spaldings. I don't understand the percentage can someone kindly explain that to me please.
Greatly appreciate it.
Spaldings aka Hybrids do not breed true so anyone using percentages do not understand that they do not know what they are talking about. The only true percentage is 50% when breeding a true Green with an IB. Any subsequent breeding will result in birds that will appear to be either higher or lower even out of the same parents. Good breeders will use general terms such as Low, Low to Mid, Mid, Mid to High, and High percentage depending on how they look, aka phenotype. Even among well-versed breeders, some will call a bird High and others might say Mid, it depends on the standard they set for themselves. There is another term 'Emerald' which is mostly Mid to High. Here is a pic of a hybrid that could be called Emerald, he is a better than a mid-range bird.
Ah okay, because someone is selling some that say are 60-70% and yesterday another person said there's are 31/32. I'm like what is up with these numbers.. lol

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