Perch distance from the wall?


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Blue Ridge, TX
We are at the home stretch, and all we have left is putting our perches up, but we are not sure how far from the wall they need to be. We are thinking about ten inches, does that sound good?
ahh cool iw as gonna post this same question glad you did it so now we can both find the answer

although a way to calculate would be to mesure the sittting hen from the feet to her tail tip

but make sure its sitting and not standing as the legs move forward in sitting making the tail [rump end] move outwards

i would say 10 inches seems pretty good distance
18 inches from the closest perch to the wall. Definitely if standard size chickens, 12-18 if bantams.
I have a ladder perch (photos on Hen House page) and the top/closest is 18"
The further from the wall the better - no poop running down the wall.
Thanks!! Well, we ended up with two perches 18 inches from the wall, and one that is 15 inches. We did put another perch in front of our nesting boxes, that is 6 inches from the boxes. Our perches are all at staggering heights. So far, they are hanging out on the floor of the coop. Our one perch is only about 18 inches from the floor, so I was surprised they did not go up there. They were perching in their brooder, but that perch was only 3 inches off the floor, and it was the narrow side of the 2x4. We put the wide side up this time. I hope they learn and can do it soon. They are nervous in the coop, which is funny because they were fine in their brooder, and in the x-pen enclosure they had outside up until now.

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