Perfect eggs - Now no shell??


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2018
Lakeside, az
My hens are 5 1/2 months old. My Asian and BSL hens have been laying for approx. 4-5 weeks with perfect eggs. This morning I found both of their eggs in the middle of the coop, one very soft shelled and one no shell, both open on the floor. They didn't even make it to the nest? And then when I went to collect my others from my RSL, one of those were half soft shelled?? What is happening? I'm so worried. What do I do? Please any ideas?

They all seem happy and healthy. My other two that don't lay are on the bottom of the pecking order. These three hens are definitely on the top. They eat very well. They get oyster shells, I scramble them eggs twice a weeks with shells. I feed them vegetables almost everyday. Fruit a few times a week. Treats from the store.

How do I know if they have the flu or something else? I check the poop. I've never found worms. What can I do? Yes, I'm panicking. I want my girls to be ok.
This morning I found both of their eggs in the middle of the coop, one very soft shelled and one no shell, both open on the floor. They didn't even make it to the nest? And then when I went to collect my others from my RSL, one of those were half soft shelled?? What is happening? I'm so worried. What do I do? Please any ideas?

hey get oyster shells, I scramble them eggs twice a weeks with shells. I feed them vegetables almost everyday. Fruit a few times a week. Treats from the store.
Do you feed them a nutritionally balanced poultry feed?

First thing I would do only give them their normal feed for a few days. After that, drastically cut down on the treat you give - anything "extra" dilutes the nutritional content of their daily intake.
Provide the oyster shell free choice.

Other things I would look at is if there is any disturbance and/or stress within the flock - how much room do you have - have you noticed if the pullets are not getting along, do they all have a chance to eat and no one is bullied. Also, do you have any predators that may be adding stress - any dogs coming around?
Don't panic yet.
Takes a calm, cool head to figure out what the problem might be.
Start with feed.
What is the main feed...brand name and protein percentage?
Are the oyster shells in a separate container?

Yeah and what they ^^^ said while I was slowly typing :D
Don't panic yet.
Takes a calm, cool head to figure out what the problem might be.
Start with feed.
What is the main feed...brand name and protein percentage?
Are the oyster shells in a separate container?

Yeah and what they ^^^ said while I was slowly typing :D
LOL Come ON! Get those fingers to movin':old

Feed is always a good place to start:)
They get Dumor Grit, Pellets, and Scratch. Manna oyster shell (they are not separate). They have 600sq feet of space for 7 hens and 1 Rooster (yes, my family thinks I'm crazy). They are the ones that have been bullying my other two that don't lay yet. No other animals around, except maybe a skunk outside at night but my barn/coop is 100% secure from predators. I have a flock block in the middle of the coop that they all peck on whenever. I'll take any suggestions on what to feed, brand, etc. Thanks so much.
Cut out the scratch.
Keep granite grit and OS in 2 separate containers, do not mix either with feed.

Which Dumor pellets...layer or....??
Check the nutrition tag sewn into bottom of bag for protein and calcium percentages.

600 sqft in coop.... or run or...?

Wonders if the cockerel is stressing out the girls?
If so, might isolate him.

LOL Come ON! Get those fingers to movin':old
:lol: am a terrible typer.(but am betting y'all started before I did)
I would be inclined to cut out all treats and provide proprietary feed and a calcium source only and see how that goes.
AGREE - lots of calcium! I used to mix, I did a full bowl of calcium and they downed it all - twice, now it is hit or miss when they eat it, but can't hurt to allow them to eat it when they need it - always
7 hens and 1 Rooster (yes, my family thinks I'm crazy). They are the ones that have been bullying my other two that don't lay yet.
They get Dumor Grit, Pellets, and Scratch. Manna oyster shell (they are not separate).
As suggested earlier, offer the oyster shell separately.

Are the older hens (I assume they are over a year old?) keeping the laying pullets out of the coop/nesting boxes?
Your food situation does not sound that bad, I would suspect that flock dynamics are playing a role in the soft shelled eggs - watch to see if they are being bullied, chased, kept from feed. Also if your rooster (how old is he?) is pestering the pullets and stressing them out. You have space, which is good, but provide some areas where the pullets can go to get away from the others - some perches in the run, a piece of plywood or a pallet leaned against the wall, etc. Something they can get on, under (not trapped) may help - out of sight/out of mind for a while each day. I have a table in one of my runs, the youngsters get on that - up and away from adults. If it's hot, muggy and miserable, mine can all be cranky, so sometimes I still shut the pullets and cockerel out of the main runs, this gives them a bit of peace from the bossy and complaining low ranking hens.
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I've separated the oyster shell. None of them seem to be interested in it ever. I've noticed at the end of most days, that's what is left. Should I crush it or try another brand?

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