Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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Hello @Miss Lydia , so far the duckies have won the battle but not the war.

The ducks are being stubborn. They will wait until we cave, (usually around sundown) and we end up putting the water and food back in the ark overnight.

How long can ducks truly go without food and water, I think I read it's only eight hours for water?

I know we shouldn't put their food and water back in the ark at night, but I dont want them to starve.

Also, did a little shopping today and I'm having buyers regret.

I had a few option between different poultry supplements, and I think I chose the wrong ones.

I ended up purchasing these two products;


But now that I'm thinking about it, should I have went with this product?

I get so confused when it comes to choosing supplements, I have no idea how much nician is in one product vs another product.
The Rooster Booster Poultry Cell mentions to use it, "daily during periods of stress or competition".

After all the tragedy and new changes these ducks have been through, I can imagine they have tons of stress.

If the stuff I purchased today is no good, I can always go back and exchange for the Rooster Booster, Liquid B-12 plus.

What is your opinion Miss Lydia, should i keep what I have or exchange?
Your going to have to practice some Tough love I'm afraid. I honestly don't believe they will starve themselves. They will come out if they are hungry and thirsty enough I promise!
I would place the food and water right outside the door where they at least have to step out to eat and drink but close enough they know it's there. Maybe entice them to come out with some treats?
My Cayuga ducks have definitely been spending more time inside their barns since its been so cold out. So that's part of it too I bet.
Go to both of my articles to find almost all the information you need on ducks.

Linking the articles might help...
While I'm all for more research on various duck topics - neither of the articles are almost all the information about ducks.
They're more topic specific on bumblefoot and mother ducks with babies - interesting read, but some misinformation such as mother ducks killing stray ducklings, while some might<bad moms>, not all do - the ducks in the overflow here in town take turns watching after everyone's ducklings and protecting them.

That being said - @SansDuck I think you're doing a great job so far with your rescues and hope that you continue to follow the advice given.
There are so many people on here with different degrees of experience on how to care for ducks, that it makes for an amazing wealth of information.
Linking the articles might help...
While I'm all for more research on various duck topics - neither of the articles are almost all the information about ducks.
They're more topic specific on bumblefoot and mother ducks with babies - interesting read, but some misinformation such as mother ducks killing stray ducklings, while some might<bad moms>, not all do - the ducks in the overflow here in town take turns watching after everyone's ducklings and protecting them.

That being said - @SansDuck I think you're doing a great job so far with your rescues and hope that you continue to follow the advice given.
There are so many people on here with different degrees of experience on how to care for ducks, that it makes for an amazing wealth of information.

They did link them, they’re nestled inside the quote though in bold cause the quote thing is messed up atm or something. That last sentence for some reason got outside the quote but the rest are all inside the quote in bold if you expand it.
I’m not sure if any of my answers are repeat answers, but they do look like pekins. I had two pekins (drake and hen), sadly my hen passed away this year. My pekins absolutely loved to have their pool anytime they could. There would be lots of “celebrating”. You could count on it every morning. So more than likely if you have witnessed it, then you probably have a male and female. My female LOVED to hide her eggs, that may be why they swept the fake egg under the straw. My pekins also LOVE treats. I have been accused of spoiling them, because I give them treats quite often. I’m sure these babies are so happy to have been taken in by you and your family! They will slowly get used to you and your set up and be some happy, lucky ducks!
I give iceberg lettuce to my ducks every night! They love me :)
@Miss Lydia @Cayuga momma

We went back and got the right products, I think.


How much and how often do we add it to their water? There is no clear directions online.


I also picked up the drench in case of a day were they need extra vitamins.

Also got some Nutritional Yeast

They had both Brewers yeast and Nutritional, but someone else in our house wanted to sprinkle it on their food too, so went with Nutritional.

Later on, should I grab them some brewers yeast too?

I read the only difference between the two is that, Nutritional yeast has b-12 and Brewers yeast has chromium in it.

What's everyones opinion?

Also please keep an eye out for a future thread, as we are planning on modifying their living situation very soon.
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Nutritional yeast is best to me I use it too. As for the liquid b complex are they having any leg problems like weakness or do you know since they haven’t actually walked lately lol? The B complex I’s excellent for leg weakness (lameness) and stress. the Poultry Nutri drench is good for giving a boost again for stress and support if not feeling up to par can help stimulate appetite. Excellent for shipped poultry too. Nutritional yeast unless they are having leg issues can be given for support 1-2 x a week 1Tab per each cup of feed. When it’s real hot out I use PND a couple times a week. If you think they would benefit from any of these 3 let us know what issue they are having and we can help you with which one would be best. You got all 3 right too.
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Nutritional yeast is best to me I use it too. As for the liquid b complex are they having any leg problems like weakness or do you know since they haven’t actually walked lately lol? The B complex I’s excellent for leg weakness (lameness) and stress. the Poultry Nutri drench is good for giving a boost again for stress and support if not feeling up to par can help stimulate appetite. Excellent for shipped poultry too. Nutritional yeast unless they are having leg issues can be given for support 1-2 x a week 1Tab per each cup of feed. When it’s real hot out I use PND a couple times a week. If you think they would benefit from any of these 3 let us know what issue they are having and we can help you with which one would be best. You got all 3 right too.

Thank you for always being so quick with your replies, and they are always so informative.

We are not sure if they have leg problems, their legs look pretty okay to me but I'm not a duck expert. Next time we check on them we can post some pictures of their legs.

Next time they come outside the ark we are going to check the underside of their feet, and we will take pictures to show everyone here on BYC just to make those are healthy.

If they do show signs of leg problems, should we start them on the B Complex?

And how much cc of b-complex do we put per gallon of water?

I'm so glad we got the right products this time around, we also grabbed the activated charcoal in case they eat anything they shouldn't.


Thank you again, Miss Lydia.
1 ml of the b complex over feed or mealworms something tasty this is if they have any leg problems if you just want to give it to them for support you could put it jnto the water but actually the Nutritional yeast would be okay to use for support and keep the BComplex for problems. Keep it in the frig and it will keep a long time. The activated charcoal is to help move a toxin out of their systems. So just put it in med chest. I have taken it for upset tummy and given it to my dogs also.

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