Pet Peeves

My earbuds. I'm in class listening to the teacher. I open my mouth the wrong way or move the wrong way and the thing falls out of my ear.

I use the earbuds so I can hear the chickens while in class, as headphones would block out their sound.
That TWO employees took off this next week for vacation, which happens to be inventory week.
That leaves us with 9 people, and one can only work nights, one that can only work mornings, two that shouldn't lift over 30lbs, one who works 12-16 a week cause it's her 3rd job and four scattered part timers that now are hitting over 40 hours. Oh, and all the normal functions of the store still need done, plus cleaning/recovery... we're going to die
People who have to constantly be reminded to do the simple parts of their job. Yes, you have to open a change control with a 3 day lead time EVERY. TIME. It has been the rule since long before you were hired.
Being asked if you are doing kind things for someone of the opposite sex just so you can get them to sleep with you. Like, what!? How do you get "I want to do the honky-tonk with you." from "oh, you are alone? I will be happy to hang out with you and feed you."? People in my life need to stop thinking that I am "thirsty". Unless they are offering me ice cold orange juice, I am not looking for a drink.

I need this tattoed somewhere obvious: "I give all that I have, not because I have much, but because I know what it is like to have nothing."

I know it does not seem it from some of the things I say online, but I am not a horrible person. I am not happy unless those around me are happy, and if you are unhappy, I am going to do everything within my power to make you happy. If I see someone hungry, I do not care who you are, I will feed you, even if it means giving up my own share. Others come first, and I expect nothing in return (unless you are family. Then you can at least take out the garbage for me).

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