Pet Peeves

Probably due to the line of work I'm in, my pet peeve is people who don't have their address numbers clearly marked at the street! Especially when they know I'm coming to their house! They could at least warn me ahead of time or give me a landmark to look for!
my kids will text eachouther while sitting in the some room, or call upstairs rather then walk 30 steps. ididnt have one when i was a young man so i know you can survive without one
My pet peeve:
some people......... I feel life is too short to be put down or made to feel low by hateful types of people; their toxic bitterness is poison that makes me sick.. Dealing with those types is easier in cyber world, because you can just ignore their hate, or just....
the jerks.

We choose to live in a very rural, isolated location. For the most part I can pick and choose who I want to interact with in person. Disrespectful, hateful, energy vampire types, are not welcome to step foot on the property...

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That is very annoying. Sometimes you just have to figure it out by the houses on each side. If they don't have numbers too bad. It's particularly bad in rural areas. In the county I live in, they require the rural properties to have a nylon flexible red address sign that has the numbers vertically and is about 4' high by 2" wide. They put them in the right of way along the road next to the driveway. That way emergency vehicles can find your address. It comes in real handy for other people to find your place too.
People who take more than one seat on the airplane and when I have to sit by them and they continually say "excuse me or sorry" I want to say buy an extra seat or manage your weight.
Having been in that situation before, I will say this. It is very humiliating to be hanging into someone elses seat. I used to fly every week. Fortunately it was about 15 years ago when planes usually had some empty seats. It's embarrassing when the arm rest is in the up position and a skinny person tries to put it down to define their space and it won't go down because your stomach is in the way.

Controlling weight is not as easy as a lot of people think it is.

Add to list of pet peaves.

1. People who have never been fat criticizing those that are.
2. Former fatties criticizing fat people because they lost it so why can't the other person lose it.

It's another one of those things where if you haven't experienced it 1st hand you don't have a clue. It's like a man trying to tell a woman in labor that he knows what she is going through.
I've thought of another..... all of the products I buy are shrinking. My 3lb tub of butter is now 2lbs and something. Icecream, soap, cereal. Do they think we don't notice that stuff?
Oh, you know what else I hate? The news casters on TV telling me the price of gas is going up before it actually does just so I'll get use to the idea before it happens. Who tells them anyway? Lol!

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