Pet Peeves

heres that play with their electronics/games while out at dinner...My sister in law's 2 kids that are 5 and 7 bring their i-pods and nintendo DS games with them when we go to eat every friday night...So annoying...not only do we have to talk over the music on the games but we have to keep reminding them to eat their food. They might as well not even be there. My daughter's birthday was last weekend and my SIL got her a DS game. I let my daughter play on it while we're in the truck, but she can't bring it into the restaurant.

heres that don't have any please or thank you, yes ma'am, yes sir... nuff said...

I get that...
People who leave their shopping carts out in the grocery parking lot on a windy day so that they can bash into the cars of others.

Also serial killers, world hunger, oppressive undemocratic governmental regimes, and the Star Wars prequels.
I have an almost-healed gash on my knee from a very windy day recently at Petsmart....the zooming shopping cart just barely missed the front of my car but was headed straight for the SUV next to me. I dove to catch it, tripped over the curb, made an absolute fool of myself but managed to grab the thing before it hit. A small moment of pride and utter embarrassment at the same time. Didn't notice the blood on my jeans until I got inside. I've bled for the sake of preventing shopping cart damage!

Most people's pet peeves probably come from others just being thoughtless. Not remembering that if you want to get on the elevator/bus/tram/whatever, you have to step back and allow other people to get off. Using up all of the toilet paper without replacing the roll. Thinking that the top of an escalator is a great place to stop and lecture Junior about not begging for toys while shopping. A little dose of "I'm not the center of the universe" goes a long way.
My biggest pet peeve is people talking on their cell phone while in a public restroom, That is sooooo rude (and gross).

People who think they are better than other people as well as judgemental people.

People who throw money on the counter at the convienent store but expect the clerk to hand your change back to you (that one burns my hide). Very disrespectful. If they threw your change on the counter, wouldn't you be offended?

People who think that their opinion is always the best/right choice.

"Poor me" people. Pity me for this, pity me for that.

Chronic complainers. If your life is that bad, change it and move on.

People who wear their pants down around their knees. I do not want to see or my kids to see your underwear.

Being late or people being late to meet you for something.

People going back on their word.

People that show up at my house unexpected. My house is my comfort zone. Let me know if you are going to interrupt it. I may be running around in my pjs and I don't want to be disturbed lol.

Women who pay for something with money that they dig out of their bras.
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Disgustingly fat people, who have handicapped stickers, but can, readily, amble to the electric shopping cart.

People who, as soon as they hit the grocery store aisle, forget which side of the road, they drove in on.

Drivers who have never learned, understood or practice the 3 second rule.....That means that about 95% of the drivers annoy me.
People who don't bathe (the dreadlock variety). I can smell them 5 minutes later where ever they go, what isle they walked down in the super market and if they are in line in front or behind me.

People who won't make eye contact with you when patronizing their business.

Someone who cannot make change even when the cash register tells them how much.

Morbidly obese lazy people (sister in law would make kids bring her cigarette and lighter while playing Nintendo all day) really erk me..

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