Pet Peeves

When checking out at a store and the cashier is talking to another employee the whole time. I used to be a retail manager and I always told the cashiers that the person at the register is the whole reason they are there, pay attention to them. On a similar note, the person on the phone at the cash register srives me nuts. The cashier is trying to communicate with you so that you can get on with your self centered little life. Hang up the danged phone so you can get out of the way of the rest of us.
I have a flashing comment for the "Hey Girl" but I can't post it on here. I've broken many men from calling me girl

Oh PM it to me! I may take notes! I tend to just ignore them and if they persist I turn and sternly say "The proper way to get a woman's attention is 'excuse me ma'am' I am not a girl, I am a grown woman, please be more considerate next time" most of the time they just shut up and walk away. (Though I admit I say hey girl to my best friend and she says it back but it's a term of endearment on our parts. We've been saying it since high school)
Sorry to hear that.
You're only as old as you feel and look.

We were raised to do it to show respect.

I agree it is respectful but just don't call me maam lol. My kids do to other people but not to me.

People think my Love and I are weird. He calls me ma'am and I call him sir.
Huh...A little thin skinned, no doubt...Are you talking about the Seminole who rides out into the middle of the field, at the FSU games, and throws the spear into the ground?....That's just too cool.
I'm sure their tomahawk wave and chant, set you on edge, too.
Huh...A little thin skinned, no doubt...Are you talking about the Seminole who rides out into the middle of the field, at the FSU games, and throws the spear into the ground?....That's just too cool.
I'm sure their tomahawk wave and chant, set you on edge, too.

I"m not getting into this with you but if you wish to educate yourself here are some excellent sites, I am saying no more on this topic

PM if you wish more, do not PM me to argue

BTW Huge pet peeve STEREOTYPES

The bottom of this particular page has an an entire list of pages that involve resources and links to discussions books and interviews with historians and Native activists as well as studies on stereotypes and the harms of stereotyping

is up to you to navigate the hundreds of pages links and resources available on this site, which I have been a corispondant on in the past. (The harm of Native stereotyping: facts and evidence)
People who walk up and hold their hand up and say "How"

I use to just stare at them but my mom one day said "Honey if you don't know how by now I sure as heck aren't going to be the one to teach you"
I would just admire it from afar, since my hair refuses to grow past mid-back. I can't believe people would just grab your hair without permission....well, yes I can, because I know people can be idiots. Kudos to you for refraining from punching their lights out.
I would just admire it from afar, since my hair refuses to grow past mid-back. I can't believe people would just grab your hair without permission....well, yes I can, because I know people can be idiots. Kudos to you for refraining from punching their lights out.

Back in college, before I started to cut my hair, it was much longer. (I started cutting it when I started sitting on it, caught it on fire, and caught it in a fan, and before I was hit by a truck, I worked in a kitchen, was in school full time, and did catering and so hair that got in the way even in a bun, was a bad bad thing) I was at a club once and this guy came behind me and yanked on my hair. Why I have no idea but I spun around on him, and as my sister put it, spoke to him the way a teacher would to a child" "What are you , ten? What is wrong with you?! You don't yank on people's hair! Shame on you!" And this guy who towered over me, pure muscle, looked like a scolded child, skulked away without a word.
I'm normally a docile person but there are a few things that will set me off, pulling my hair is one of them. Well touching me without permission period will get a tongue lashing. But touching my hair is a big no no.
Women who use foul language (not the bird type) and talk like a trucker and have no understanding of what it means to be a "lady".

Men who won't stand up for themselves.

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