Pet snails?


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Eastern, Kentucky
My little girl got a pet snail today ( YUCK
) She named him gary. What I am wondering is...What does a snail eat????
Is it an aquatic snail? I think most snails eat vegetation, like plants. If it is an aquatic snail, I would get it an aquatic plant like a java fern. If not, would give it some grass from outside.
When I was in like 6th grade we got snails in our classroom and fed them oranges and other fruit..Make sure to keep the cage somewhat moist so it doesn't dry out
Snails will eat just about anything veggie wise. Aquatic and land snails aren't too different, except that one lives in water and the other on land!

That's neat though! I love snails! I don't see big ones like that around here though. I've had apple snails in the past and I fell in love with those!

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