Pharaoh Coturnix and Button Quail Fertile Hatching Eggs and Chicks Buff Orpington

I would be interested in cochin and buff orp eggs
I'd love quail eggs too but ill have to get another bator bought
So for now I'll settle for chicken eggs. Maybe by next wrekend I can have another bator set up for quail! Would it be possible to do a dozen each cochins and buff orps to ship out Saturday? I get paid Friday

Sent you a PM!
I'm interested in some eggs for my classroom. I've never purchased on here before so please be patience with me.
I am interested in some quail chicks, 15 to 25 or so. I want day old or around there if possible. Do you have any available? I would like a mix of colors and want to wind up with several breeding pairs. I could come and get them. :)
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