Pheasant pair cage size

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So on the 4' side they get what 1-2 ,2-3 steps how long are pheasants with their tails ? I am just trying to learn.

Sorry if you are feeling like you indicated the few pheasant I have seen were red golden and lady Amherst and some RN they looked 2-3 feet long I am not sure if they were full grown or young. Most of the literature I have read so far indicates they need a bit more room then I am reading here. I may attempt them someday , But I would rather give them a little more room then they need then to put them in a minimum sized pen. good luck with your birds
i hope you do and if you do put them in bigger pens thats your choice as well as the choice of the people who wrote the lit you have read. that is all i want you to remember and if some one does not have the space for bigger pens or the money they should not be told they cant have pheasants ideas may differ on this but i think it is rude as all get out for a person to tell another person that, especially when its just ther opinion.

no telling how many poor people have been run off from kepping pheasnt because of people like that.
aprophet - as you can see, Charliet likes to argue that small is the only way to go, and has developed a strong hate for me. No big deal: I'm not going to argue with her and let her bring me down to her level.

You want birds to be in prime shape, then bigger aviaries are the way to go. A Golden male in prime shape will be about 4' long, from tip of beak to tip of tail. Amherst are longer.
Reeves males can get over 7' long.
It doesn't take much to see and understand that a large aviary is needed for a bird to be in, and stay in, prime condition.
Small spaces also will require more maintenance. The ground contamination will soon be excessive and require hash chemicals to get it back to livable conditions.
derrick i see you still refuse to see my point if you did but read my posts im not saying small is the only way i have said many times their are many ways to keep birds not just one,if you want big pens go for it if you want any size pen for that matter go for it its your pen and your decision . you derrick are the one who seems ----bent on thinking big pens are the only way and you want everyone to think the same way much like a dictator. i would think with all of your professed knowledge you would know and understand this

my birds are in prime condition and it does not have to take a large pen to doit it is just your opinion and about their needing more mantaince that is not true

as for my hate for you derrick i wont lie i do very much, maybe your a good person but your thinking and your your right im wrong mind set is what i really hate. i dont care what size pen any one builds its just wrong to hassle anyone for building whatever size pen they build plain and simple i hassle no one nor judge them for the pen they build

a bird in a smaller pen is just as happy healthy and in prime condition as one in a bigger pen

also derrick i feel very bad for all the people that have been turned off of pheasants that have seen your posts saying if you cant build large pens for grass to live you dont need pheasants that i think is worst of all but thats your opinion and you have to live with it and is a bad trat for a "mentor"

I don't usually chime in on this type of thread, but this time I just felt the need. I do think when someone new asks about something they should be told options but it should also be pointed out what is best[/b). I would have hated to have built a smaller pen for my pheasants only to have to expand later because my amherst's tail stayed ragged due to his raking it on the sides of the pen whenever he turned around (his tail alone measures 36"). I prefer doing something the best way the first time rather than having to redo. In the end people do what they want anyway but they should know upfront the downside to going with smaller pens. Reeves comment about maintaining the ground is an example - smaller pens need to be cleaned more often.

aprophet -
As you can see everyone has opinions. My pens are 12' x 12'. I have red & yellow goldens, amherst and ringnecks and this size works good for me. I have trios in each. If I ever decide to get reeves I will probably go with a larger size due to the length of their tails. Just consider everything everyone has said and in the end make the decision that you feel is best for you.
Hey Reeves thanks for the info I have read a lot you have written at other places
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