Pheasant! ***PICS***more pics!! even more pics on page 2. size pg 3

I have had 100% life for all of my birds! I can't wait next hatch seasion I am getting turkey and possibly quail
Hey if you need someone there to get your turkey and quail Im never busy. I would like to hatch some quail so if I get a bator befor next year you might be able to get your hands on them sooner. They shour do poop alot on day two huh.
ticks - you PM box is full, so I am putting my msg here.

They are a bit young for picking, but they will do so if they are too hot or overcrowded. I would open up the brooder and give them full run. They now know where the heat is and will come back to it to warm up, so you should be fine. Don't be surprised if they scatter at first. We have a new hatch in a giant brooder and I kept pushing them back to the light but they kept running away from it. As soon as I left them alone and snuck in to check on them, they were all snuggled under the light. Good luck with your babies..they are so cute.

I have a couple of ringneck pheasants and I can tell you what I have experienced with them. I had never had any gamebirds before I got them and did not know anything about gamebirds. They were given to me as day olds in Aug of 2007. I kept them in a brooder (I use aquariums for brooder because I like to see and interact with babies.) for several weeks and held them and talked to them every day. No one died from that. I hand fed them small mealworms and they really liked that and I think that helped tame them. It ended up that I had 3 boys and 1 girl and unfortunately the boys killed her. We built them a run and they stayed pretty tame and would sit on my knee and eat mealworms out of my hand. The run is 9ft wide X 16 ft long X 8 ft tall. A couple of months ago I noticed one was chasing the other and fighting. One was also making aggressive sounding noises and coming at me when I went in the pen. Their personality seemed to change some when it became breeding season, they were not my little babies anymore. After talking to some pheasant people, we thought it was best to put peepers on 2 of them. The Alpha pheasant has never showed any aggression so we did not put peepers on him, it has been the other 2. The peepers worked for a short time and then even with the peepers on they were fighting. I did not use the peepers with the peg you shove thru the nose, these ones sit on the bridge of the nose and have little short pegs that hold on the nostrils. These are not painful. Even with the peepers, the aggressive one was still threatening me when I went into the pen. I have taken him out, taken the peepers off and put him in a seperate pen and the other two are getting along pretty good. I am not sure what to do with the other one at this point, I don't think he would get along with the others if I put him back in there. The one that is so aggressive was the friendliest one of them all to begin with. He has no fear of me, I don't know if that is good or bad. I don't know if things would be different if there were females for him concentrate on, maybe he would not be so frustrated and aggressive towards me. Since he has been in the other pen, he has cooled down a bit and hasn't made that funny noise any more.
As far as being easier that chickens, I agree, they are very easy to take care of and they are a lot less noisy than my chickens!
Here are a couple of pics of them as they have grown

They are about 2 weeks old in this pic


Getting their 'Big Boy' feathers and wattles on face


I took this this afternoon - such a handsome boy!


Close up face shot.


Hope you enjoy your pheasants as much as I do.


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