pheasants insane?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 4, 2009
I was thinking of getting a few pheasants, but I heard they're insane and cannibals. I don't want to put pheasants in with my chickens if they're like that!
I'm not familiar with pheasants, but I believe the cannabalism and attacks on other birds start if they are crowded together.

I do think there are diseases that chickens can tolerate but that game birds are highly susceptible to. You might want to pin that down before considering mixing the two. I believe it's been covered on other threads here, you might want to do some searching.
I regretfully decided against pheasants because of their space requirements...

Some are so pretty and I had a chance to get some very colorful birds.
If you have the space they would be worth it but by themselves with lots of room.
I only have 1 Ringneck and he is a weirdo. He runs up and down along the fence most of the time. He will calm down when we hold him, but trying to catch him first is a challenge. I thought about getting more, but after seeing how he is, I changed my mind. He is bonded to our lone Wild Eastern Turkey, they hatched and grew up now they live together in the same pen and get alone fine. I wouldn't put either of them with my chickens though.
If you ever get Chinese Golden Pheasants, DONT expect them to be tame unless you get them from Day 1, I had a friend get some as babies and we handled them on a daily basis and they still totally freaked out when they saw the hand going in the cage, and she named them "Skits" and "Frenic" I thought that was the funniest thing.
Cannibalism is most common in over crowded birds, poor diet from low protein feeds, and is more common in the ringneck varieties than the ornamentals. The goldens are great and not all that skittish. just give them plenty of space. None of the ornamental are going to make pets by any means, they are wild birds, not chickens, but most are not flighty or crazy as long as YOU act right in their pens. Walk in, slow and steady, give them their space to move away, and all is fine. Planted pens help tremendously as well with calming them down, bare open dirt pens, leave them feeling vulnerable and thus more flighty.
Try some goldens or amherst, nothing more beautiful, and you'll love them!
Keep any pheasant way from chickens, not in a cage (8x 10 minimum per pair or trio), and dont try to catch them unless absolutly needed.
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I have a Ringneck hen that I had gotten from a feed store at a few days old. Her name is Socks and she is pretty friendly as Ringnecks go. She will eat from my hand, So will my Silvers and my Red Goldens. Silvers as chicks seem to be the friendliest and as adults too, at least the males. They are pretty curious and always want to see what I'm doing.
We have about 15 Ringneck males, and they are all very tame, some more than others but one in particular, “Roo” is mature and so docile he will actually perch on my forearm and eat scratch out of my hand, that took work to accomplish but worth the effort.

We have an imported pureblood Ringneck who is far from friendly, though he is calmer with my husband, than with me.

The Hens on the other hand are flighty and have no care for human attention!

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