Grown ups



Hey Y'all,

Yesterday was the successful end of my first attempt at incubation in the Philippines. I started with four eggs that I agreed to incubate for a neighbor. I did it to see how the incubator worked. I brought it here packed in my suitcase. I candled the eggs on day one and told the neighbor that three of them probably would not hatch. Those three were so porous that the looked like big snow flakes(white thin spots) all over the shell. I candled them at seven days and those three still were complete blanks. I gave those three eggs back to the neighbor and kept number four because the shell looked good and it showed the veins were developing on day seven. Candled again on day 14 and it still looked good. Yesterday morning around 5 AM the chick piped. And at 2PM he was out, alive and doing well. Nothing in general was miraculous about the hatching of an egg. But, in the case of this particular chick, it was without a doubt a complete miracle. This little chick endured and survived NINE - 9 - brownouts that lasted from 2 hours up to EIGHT - 8 - HOURS each.

Now the sad part about this little chick. I gave him to the neighbor today. I grew attached to it because at day 14 I would talk to it each time I checked the incubator. My wife even said today that she believes the chick recognized my voice. When we took it out of the incubator to put it in a warm place to dry it would start peeping like it was afraid. I could start talking to it and it would immediately calm down. Seems strange to me that I felt like one of my children was leaving the nest when I gave him to the neighbor.

Here it is about 10 minutes out of the shell with my wife and our two year old nephew. Our nephew was truly amazed by the little chick. It truly is a survivor.


oh jimmy. You must somehow miss that chick. Please tell your neighbor to take very good care of him. is it a native chicken that you hatched in your bator?
Im so excited for my rest day tomorrow. Yesterday we collected 18 duck eggs. :D I wonder how many eggs today. Hope they are doing well.

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